INT/18/K08 – Forum for the development of interregional biogas cooperation and capacity building

Submitter: Biogas Institute (BIOMA), Ministry of Agriculture, based on Chengdu, China.
Subcontractor: Same as above.
Priority area: Energy.
Participating/beneficiary countries: 9 countries (Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam).
PGTF input: US$ 29,000.
Other inputs: US$ 56,000.
Number: INT/18/K08.
Duration: 2019.
Approval: 41st Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 22 September 2017).
Completion: Final report submitted on 6 August 2019.
Impact: A forum on Biogas Value Chain was held on 16-19 April 2018 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia with more than 200 participants from the Asia-Pacific region to promote inter-regional biogas cooperation and capacity building and exchange information related to exploiting the biogas value chain, biogas production and utilization, financing of biogas projects and programs, technical and safety matters, and competency building through training and development and the latest research and development and technologies on biogas.

Contact:  (To be provided)

Final Report:

INT/18/K07 – Seminar on small hydropower operation and maintenance for Asian countries

Submitter: National Research Institute for Rural Electrification (NRIRE), Ministry of Water Resources, based in Hangzhou, China.
Subcontractor: Same as above.
Priority area: Energy.
Participating/beneficiary countries: 10 countries (Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Mongolia, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Viet Nam).
PGTF input: US$ 30,000.
Other inputs: US$ 42,150.
Number: INT/18/K07.
Duration: 2019.
Approval: 41st Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 22 September 2017).
Completion: Final report submitted on 30 July 2020.
Impact: A 3-day seminar on small hydropower was organized in China on 18-20 March 2019 with the participation of officials from 10 Asian developing countries to improve concept awareness and capacity building regarding the operation and management of small hydropower in the Asian region.

Contact:  (To be provided)


Final Report:

INT/18/K06 – Accessibility of financial services and the private sector in Africa

Submitter: China-Africa Business Council, based in Beijing, China.
Subcontractor: Same as above.
Priority area: Finance.
Participating/beneficiary countries: 4 countries (China, Madagascar, Mauritius and Zambia).
PGTF input: US$ 26,000.
Other inputs: US$ 28,000.
Number: INT/18/K06.
Duration: 2018-2019.
Approval: 41st Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 22 September 2017).
Completion: Final report submitted on 15 April 2020.
Impact: Through interviews and an in-depth study of the individual financial markets of the three selected African countries (Madagascar, Mauritius and Zambia), the project analyzed the specific Chinese experience and identified common issues, challenges and best practices in creating accessible and dynamic financial services as a primary means to drive new investment in the selected African countries within the framework of financial cooperation with Africa’s development partners.

Contact:  (To be provided)


Final Report:

INT/17/K06 – Micro Hydropower Plant Development on Existing Irrigation Canals for Sustainable Socioeconomic Development of Rural Areas: Pilot Projects in Selected Developing Countries

Submitter: International Center on Small Hydropower (ICSHP), based in Hangzhou, China.
Subcontractor: Same as above.
Priority area: Energy.
Participating/beneficiary countries: 9 countries (China, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Kenya, Madagascar, Nigeria, Uganda and United Republic of Tanzania).
PGTF input: US$ 33,000.
Other inputs: US$ 50,000.
Number: INT/17/K06.
Duration: 2017-2018.
Approval: 40th Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 23 September 2016).
Completion: Final report submitted on 6 August 2019.
Impact: Surveyed feasible sites for deployment of micro hydropower plants on existing irrigation canals as a low-cost power solution for remote communities and organized expert teams in the selected participating countries (Ethiopia, India and Nigeria). Project activities included support in the preparation of proposals for construction of hydropower plants and canal water development and a training workshop on small hydropower held in China.

Contact:  (To be provided)


Final Report:

INT/17/K04 –Seminar on Renewable Energy and Off-grid Power System for East African Countries.

Submitter: National Research Institute for Rural Electrification (NRIRE), based in Beijing, China.
Subcontractor: Same as above.
Priority area: Energy.
Participating/beneficiary countries: 7 countries (Burundi, China, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda and United Republic of Tanzania).
PGTF input: US$ 35,000.
Other inputs: US$ 37,000.
Number: INT/17/K04.
Duration: 2017.
Approval: 40th Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 23 September 2016).
Completion: Final report submitted on 23 July 2018.
Impact:A seminar was organized in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on 12-14 May 2017 with participants from Burundi, China, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda and the United Republic of Tanzania, consisting of lectures, study tours, technical discussions and sharing of expertise on the role of renewable energy exploitation in socio-economic development and promotion of off-grid hybrid power (hydro-solar) generating technology.

Contact:  Contact person: Ms. Zhang Tian / Mr. Lin Ning
Address: 122 Xueyuan Road, Hangzhou 310012, P.R. China
Telephone: +86-571-56729251 / +86-571-56729283 / +86 13958073816
Fax: +86-571-88062934
Email: tzhang @ / nlin @


Final Report:

INT/16/K10 – Distillery yeasts: Survey of quality standards for ethanol and food grade biotechnological industries.

Submitter: Cuban Research Institute for Sugarcane by-Products (ICIDCA), based in Havana, Cuba.
Subcontractor: Same as above.
Priority area: Industrialization.
Participating/beneficiary countries: 3 countries (Brazil, Cuba and Mexico).
PGTF input: US$ 32,000.
Other inputs: US$ 74,000.
Number: INT/16/K10.
Approval: 39th Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 24 September 2015).
Completion: Final report submitted on 18 December 2018.
Impact:The project surveyed the development and application of microbiological procedures for the quality control of the fermentative process in ethanol as a biofuel and fodder yeast plants from distillery sludge in Brazil, Cuba and Mexico, to allow an appropriate selection of ethanol producer strains, contaminants control and probiotic Saccharomyces distillery strains.

Contact:  Contact person: Roxana García Gutiérrez, MSc
Address: Vía Blanca # 804, San Miguel del Padrón, CP 11000
Havana, Cuba
Tel.: (537)76967006, 76917023, 76994972
Fax: (537)7698-8243
Email: roxana.garcia @


Final Report:

INT/16/K03 –Regional database system promoting programme for small hydropower development in Africa.

Submitter: International Center on Small Hydropower (ICSHP), based in Hangzhou, China.
Subcontractor: Same as above.
Priority area: Energy.
Participating/beneficiary countries: 7 countries (China, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi and Zimbabwe).
PGTF input: US$ 33,000.
Other inputs: US$ 160,000.
Number: INT/16/K03.
Duration: 2017-2018
Approval: 39th Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 24 September 2015).
Completion: Final report submitted on 02 January 2019.
Impact:The project supported the creation of a regional database concerning information on available and installed potential of hydropower as a potentially clean and environmentally benign form of renewable energy, policy and barriers of small hydropower and follow-up actions of capacity building in Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi and Zimbabwe in collaboration with the International Centre on Small Hydropower (ICSHP) in China.

Contact:  Contact person: Prof. Liu Heng, Director-General.
Address: P O Box 202, Hangzhou, 310002 China.
Telephone: +86-571-87132796.
Fax: + 86-571-87023353.
Email: director @


Final Report:

INT/15/K04 – Overcoming existing barriers to small hydropower development in Southern and Eastern African countries

Submitter: International Center for Small Hydropower (ICSHP), based in Hangzhou, China.
Subcontractor: �Same as above.
Priority area: Energy.
Participating/beneficiary countries: 5 countries (China, Ethiopia, Kenya, Sudan, and Zambia).
PGTF input: US$ 35,000.
Other inputs: US$ 80,00.
Number: INT/15/K04.
Duration: 2016-2017.
Approval: 38th Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 26 September 2014).
Completion: Final report submitted on 11 August 2017.
Impact:� Workshops were organized in selected participating countries to provide training and expertise on small hydropower (SHP) plant development, maintenance and planning by experts, including on-site tours of SHP plants, equipment manufacturers, and hydropower development enterprises and meetings with representatives of equipment manufacturers and design institutes in China.

Contact:  International Center on Small Hydro Power (ICSHP) Contact person: Prof. Liu Heng, Director-General Nanshan Road 136, 310002
Hangzhou, Zhejiang, People’s Republic of China
Tel. +86-571-87132796
Fax +86-571-87023353
Email: director @

Final Report:

INT/15/K01 –Promoting bamboo industrialization through value chain study in China, Nepal and Viet Nam

Submitter: China National Bamboo Research Center (CBRC), based in Hangzhou, China.
Subcontractor: �Same as above.
Priority area: Industrialization.
Participating/beneficiary countries: 3 countries (China, Nepal and Viet Nam).
PGTF input: US$ 35,000.
Other inputs: US$ 35,00.
Number: INT/15/K01.
Duration: 2015-2018.
Approval: 38th Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 26 September 2014).
Completion: Final report submitted on 30 March 2018.
Impact:� Promoted bamboo industrialization through a value chain study in the three participating countries which included technical know-how and experience sharing of bamboo cultivation and related processes. Participating farmers learned about the wide range of bamboo design and products and cultivation technology from experts. Through experience sharing among three countries, researchers, farmers and governmental officials involved in the project enhanced their awareness and skills in Nepal and Vietnam.

Contact:  Contact person: Ms. Zhou Yan
Address: No. 310, Wenyi Road, Hangzhou, 310012, People’s Republic of China
Telephone: 86-571-88869207
Fax: 86-571-88860944
Email: zhouyan_caf @


Final Report:

INT/14/K07 – Technical Cooperation for the Development of Therapeutic Strategies to Control Helminthes Infections of Global Importance

Submitter: Biochemical Research of La Plata, National University of La Plata, Argentina.
Subcontractor: �Same as above.
Priority area: Health.
Participating/beneficiary countries: 3 countries (Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay).
PGTF input: US$ 35,000.
Other inputs: US$ 330,000.
Number: INT/14/K07.
Duration: 2015-2017.
Approval: 37th Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 26 September 2013).
Completion: Final report submitted on 8 August 2017.
Impact:� Study contributed to a greater understanding of the molecular basis of lipid binding proteins (LBPs) functions of parasitic helminths in the parasite-host relationship and evaluated them as potential anthelmintic drug carriers and/or targets.

Contact:  Contact person: Betina Corsico
Calle 60 y 120 s/n
1900, La Plata
Tel.: 54-221-4824894
Fax: 54-221-4258988
Email: bcorsico @


Final Report:

INT/14/K05 – Gasification of residual biomass from sugarcane crops for power generation

Submitter: “Obispo Colombres” Agro-industrial Experimental Station (EEAOC), based in Tucuman, Argentina.
Subcontractor: �Same as above.
Priority area: Energy.
Participating/beneficiary countries: 3 countries (Argentina, Brazil and Cuba).
PGTF input: US$ 35,000.
Other inputs: US$ 92,000.
Number: INT/14/K05.
Duration: 2015-2017.
Approval: 37th Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 26 September 2013).
Completion: Final report submitted on 13 October 2017.
Impact:� The project contributed to greater knowledge of the gasification technology process for power generation utilizing mainly agriculture residues from sugar cane crops, supported the tooling of a pilot gasification power plant in one of the participating countries, and facilitated the sharing of experiences and knowledge with various stakeholders in the field.

Contact:  Estaci�n Experimental Agroindusrial Obispo Colombres
Persona contacto: Dora Paz
Av. William Cross 3150, Las Talitas
Tucum�n, Argentina Tel.: 0054-381-4521000, int, 151
Fax: 0054-381-4521000 Int. 605
Email: ingenieria @


Final Report:

INT/13/K12 –Assessment of bamboo bioenergy development in Africa and Latin America

Submitter: China National Bamboo Research Center, based in Hangzhou, China.
Subcontractor: �Same as above.
Priority area: Energy.
Participating/beneficiary countries: ) 4 countries (Argentina, Brazil, China, Rwanda and Uganda).
PGTF input: US$ 33,000.
Other inputs: US$ 113,000.
Number: INT/13/K12.
Duration: 2011.
Approval: 36th Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 28 September 2012).
Completion: Final report submitted on 10 January 2018.
Impact: Technical research, demonstration and personnel training was conducted for development of clean and renewable bamboo bio-power generation in the African and Latin American participating countries.

Contact:  Contact person: Prof. Ding Xingcui
China National Bamboo Research Center
No. 310, Wenyi Rd., Hangzhou, China
Tel:+86 571 88869217, Fax:+86 571 88860944
Email: dxc01 @


Final Report:

INT/13/K11 – Technical training on small hydropower among ASEAN countries

Submitter: Hangzhou Regional Center (Asia-Pacific) for Small Hydropower (SH), based in Hangzhou, China.
Subcontractor: �Same as above.
Priority area: Energy.
Participating/beneficiary countries: 9 countries (Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Lao, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam).
PGTF input: US$ 33,000.
Other inputs: US$ 37,000.
Number: INT/13/K11.
Duration: 2014-2015.
Approval: 36th Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 28 September 2012).
Completion: Final report submitted on 3 December 2015.
Impact:�15 participants from 8 ASEAN countries (Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam) and China attended a training workshop held in Indonesia to share knowledge on small hydropower (SHP) as a renewable energy and its application in the electrification of rural areas in the participating countries with a view to improving SHP design, construction, operational and management capability of the SHP technical and managerial personnel in ASEAN member countries.

Contact:  Ms. Su Yijun / Mr. Lin Ning
Address: 122 Xueyuan Road, Hangzhou, 310012
People’s Republic of China
Telephone: 0086-571-56729251 / 0086-571-56729263/0086-18868712998
Fax: 0086-571-88800936
Email: yjsu @ / nlin @


Final Report:

INT/13/K10 – Integrated solution to drinking water safety issues in rural areas

Submitter: Promotion Association for Mountain-River-Lake Regional Sustainable Development(MRLSD), based in Jiangxi, China
Subcontractor: �Same as above.
Priority area: Health.
Participating/beneficiary countries: 3 countries (China, India and Sri Lanka).
PGTF input: US$ 32,000.
Other inputs: US$ 32,000.
Number: INT/13/K10.
Duration: 2014-2015.
Approval: 36th Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 28 September 2012).
Completion: Final report submitted on 28 October 2015
Impact:� Conducted research and investigations on the technologies of wastewater treatment, including a training course and seminar through which Chinese experts shared knowledge and experiences with managers and technicians from India and Sri Lanka on techniques and self-management about drinking water safety and wastewater treatment and in developing proposals to local governments or international donors.

Contact:  Ms. Chen Kui
Address: North One Road 14, Jiangxi Provincial Government Complex, 330046
People’s Republic of China
Telephone: 86-791-86288748
Fax: 86-791-86288747
Email: chenkui29 @


Final Report:

INT/13/K09 – Demonstration programme of refurbished rural multi-purposed small hydropower project in Asia and Latin America

Submitter: International Center on Small Hydropower (ICSHP), based in Hangzhou, China.
Subcontractor: same as above.
Priority area: Energy.
Participating/beneficiary countries: 5 countries (China, Colombia, India, Sri Lanka and Uruguay).
PGTF input: US$ 33,000.
Other inputs: US$ 90,000.
Number: INT/13/K09.
Duration: Twelve (12) months.
Approval: 36th Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 28 September 2012).
Completion: Final report submitted in August 2014.
Impact: Reconnaissance, site selection, feasibility studies and design reports for the upgrade of old or abandoned hydro facilities to demonstrate and promote their use for projects with functions of power generation, water supply and agricultural irrigation in rural areas in developing countries particularly in Asia and South America. Two regional seminars were convened in Uruguay and Turkey for publicizing and promoting the project, demonstrating projects in target countries, providing technical support as well as equipment back-ups. In the long run, the project seeks to develop ongoing strategies for replication in developing countries worldwide.

Contact:  Prof. Liu Heng, Director-General, ICSHP
Address: PO Box 202, Hangzhou, 310002, China
Telephone: 86-571-87132796
Fax: 86-571-87023353
Email: director @


Final Report:

INT/12/K18 – Training programme for microfinance sector development for OIC countries

Submitter: Islamic Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ICCI), based in Karachi, Pakistan
Subcontractor: not required
Priority area: Finance
Participating/beneficiary countries: 14 countries (Afghanistan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Jordan, Kuwait, Malaysia, Oman, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Tajikistan, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan and Yemen)
PGTF input: US$ 26,000
Other inputs: US$ 28,700
Number: INT/12/K18
Duration: Three (3) days
Approval: 35th Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 23 September 2011)
Completion: Final report submitted on 28 August 2013. An unspent amount of US$ 2,762 reverted to PGTF.
Impact:: Organized Training Program on Microfinance Sector Development for OIC member states, which sought to bring awareness of the challenges of the microfinance sector and its affective role in alleviating poverty. Participants from 18 member states were given training on how to best use microfinance, shared experiences, and were given recommendations and guidelines for successful implementation of microfinance development.

Contact:  Islamic Chamber of Commerce & Industry (ICCI)
Address: ST.2/A, Block 9, KDA Scheme 5, Clifton, P.O.Box: 3831, Karachi-75600, Pakistan
Telephone: 009221- 35874910 / 35874756
Fax: 009221- 35874212 / 35870765
Email: icci @ | icci-oic @


Final Report:

INT/12/K15 – Scientific-technical observatory on vaccines (VaCyT)

Submitter: Finlay Institute, Center for Research-Production of Vaccines, based in Havana, Cuba.
Subcontractor: �Same as above.
Priority area: Health.
Participating/beneficiary countries: 7 countries (Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, El Salvador, Mexico and Venezuela).
PGTF input: US$ 25,000.
Other inputs: US$ 437,867.
Number: INT/12/K15.
Duration: 2014-2017.
Approval: 35th Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 23 September 2011).
Completion: Final report submitted on 28 September 2017.
Impact:� Creation of an online database as a tool to facilitate the organization, planning and evaluation of vaccine research findings that would strengthen the capacity of developing countries to implement scientific-technical policies and strategies in the field of vaccines and thereby contribute to the reduction of mortality and incidence rates of the leading communicable and non-communicable diseases.

Contact:  Finlay Institute, Center for Research-Production of Vaccines
Avenida No. 21, No. 19810, entre 198 y 200, Reparto Atabey, Playa
La Habana, Cuba
Tel: 53-7-2086086
Tel: 53-7-2080976
Email: vacyt @


Final Report:

INT/12/K06 – A proposal to enhance the diagnostic capacities of rabies disease with special reference to its pathology and epidemiology on Egypt, Algeria, Palestine and Jordan

Submitter: Department of Pathology and Animal Health, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Jordan University of Science and Technology, based in Irbid, Jordan.
Subcontractor: same as above.
Priority area: Health.
Participating/beneficiary countries: 4 countries (Algeria, Egypt, Jordan and Palestine).
PGTF input: US$ 23,000.
Other inputs: US$ 45,000.
Number: INT/12/K06.
Duration: Ten (10) months.
Approval: 35th Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 23 September 2011).
Completion: Final report submitted on 5 February 2015.
Impact: Thirty-three scientists from universities, governments and private sectors of Algeria, Egypt, Jordan and the State of Palestine gathered in a three-day regional workshop to present and discuss various aspects of rabies diagnosis, surveillance and control. Using scientific presentations, laboratory and targeted discussion sessions, participants shared perspectives and gained valuable information on the control of this disease.

Contact:  Prof. Nabil Q. Hailat, Professor of Pathology and Animal Health
Address: Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Jordan University of Science and Technology, PO Box (3030), Irbid 22110-Jordan
Telephone: +962-2-7201000 ext. 22026 and 22016
Fax: +962-2-7095117 and +962-2-7095123
Email: bailatn @


Final Report:

INT/12/K03 – Quality control system for added-value products of South America

Submitter: The Technological Innovation Center for Wood (CITE-Madera) under the Ministry of Production of Peru.
Subcontractor: same as above.
Priority area: Industrialization.
Participating/beneficiary countries: 4 countries (Argentina, Chile, Peru and Uruguay).
PGTF input: US$ 21,994.
Other inputs: US$ 37,405.
Number: INT/12/K03.
Duration: Twelve (12) months.
Approval: 35th Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 23 September 2011).
Completion: Final report submitted 19 December 2014.
Impact: Analysis and study, in Chile and Peru, of best possible procedures and methodologies of control tests of timber materials suitable for replication in other participating countries, namely Argentina and Uruguay. A regional workshop was convened to exchange experiences, teachings, as well as present pilot project and the selected quality control tests of timber products.

Contact:  J�ssica Moscoso Guerrero
Address: Calle Solidaridad cuadra 3 s/n, Parque Industrial de Villa El Salvador, Lima 41, Peru
Telephone: 051-1-2880931 / 051-1-2880941
Fax: 051-1-2875059
Email: jmoscoso @


Final Report:

INT/11/K03 – Cooperation, integration and convergence in the area of health in Latin America and the Caribbean

Submitter: Permanent Secretariat of the Latin American Economic System (SELA), Caracas, Venezuela
Subcontractor: same as above
Priority area: Health
Participating/beneficiary countries: 27 member countries of SELA
PGTF input: US$ 35,000
Other inputs: US$ 40,000
Number: INT/11/K03
Duration: Twelve (12) months
Approval: 34th Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 28 September 2010)
Completion: Final report submitted on 12 December 2011
Impact: A meeting of international cooperation directors for Latin America and the Caribbe was organized to review regional policies and initiatives in the area of health and the role played by the regional and subregional integration mechanisms in strengthening such cooperation as well as systematize and disseminate information on successful cooperation cases within the region and at the inter-regional level and identify and exchange information on opportunities for South-South cooperation in the area of health offered by the bilateral and multilateral development agencies and promote the exchange of cooperation opportunities in the area of health among participants in the meeting.

Contact:  Latin American and Caribbean Economic System (SELA)
Torre Europa, Pisos 4 y 5 – Avenida Francisco de Miranda, Urbanizaci�n Campo Alegre
Caracas, 1060, Rep�blica Bolivariana de Venezuela
Apartado 17035, Caracas 1010-A
Telephone: (58-212) 955 71 11 (Master)
Fax: (58-212) 951 52 92 / 951 69 01


Final Report:

INT/11/K02 – Acceleration of small hydropower (SHP) development and carbon financing in African and Asian countries

Submitter: International Center on Small Hydropower (IC-SHP), based in Hangzhou, China
Subcontractor: same as above
Priority area: Energy
Participating/beneficiary countries: 4 countries (China, Sierra Leone, Viet Nam and Zambia)
PGTF input: US$ 36,000
Other inputs: US$ 49,000
Number: INT/11/K02
Duration: Twelve (12) months
Approval: 34th Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 28 September 2010)
Completion: Final report submitted on 1 April 2013 Impact:: Provided Small Hydro Power (SHP) technical assistance to Zambia and Sierra Leone, and capacity building in Clean Development Mechanisms (CDM) for carbon financing to Vietnam and Thailand. Projects for SHP and hydro CDM were initiated, as well as training workshops and seminars for officials and the community on the promotion of SHP and hydro CDM in these respective countries with added strategies for future replication in the Asian and African continents

Contact:  Prof. Liu Heng, Director-General, ICSHP
Address: PO Box 202, Hangzhou, 310002, China
Telephone: 86-571-87132796
Fax: 86-571-87023353
Email: director @


Final Report:

INT/10/K10 – Development of Cleaner Production in the sugar and byproduct industries

Submitter: Cuban Research Institute on Sugar Cane by-Products (ICIDCA), based in Havana, Cuba
Subcontractor: same as above
Priority area: Industrialization
Participating/beneficiary countries: 3 countries (Argentina, Cuba and Nicaragua)
PGTF input: US$ 22,000
Other inputs: US$ 56,000
Number: INT/10/K10
Duration: Two (2) years
Approval: 33rd Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 25 September 2009)
Completion: Final report submitted on 10 August 2012
Impact:: Identified and applied cleaner production processes in sugar and byproduct factories by optimizing the use of water, energy and raw materials to reduce costs and promote environment sustainability through the reduction of pollutants in sugar-producing countries. A five-day training course was also held to disseminate knowledge and best-practices.

Contact:  Georgina Michelena Alvarez
Address: Via Blanca #804, y Carretera Central, San Miguel del Padr�n, Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba
Telephone: 537-6967015, 6986501 (ext. 230)
Fax: 537-6988243
Email: georgina.michelena @


Final Report:

INT/10/K04 – Application and dissemination of reinforced fiberglass biogas digester for remote and low-income households

Submitter: Biomass Institute of the Ministry of Agriculture (BIOMA), based in Chengdu, China.
Subcontractor: Same as above.
Priority area: Energy.
Participating/beneficiary countries: 3 countries (Bangladesh, China and the Philippines).
PGTF input: US$ 29,000.
Other inputs: US$ 51,000.
Number: INT/10/K04.
Duration: 2018-2019.
Approval: 33rd Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 25 September 2009).
Completion: Final report submitted on 6 August 2019.
Impact: Demonstrated the use of low-cost reinforced fiberglass biogas digesters to treat animal waste and generate clean and efficient energy in selected rural areas in Bangladesh and the Philippines, and provided hands-on training to local technicians and officials in agriculture and environment sectors in the Philippines and Bangladesh in the installation and operation of biogas digesters.

Contact:  (To be provided)


Final Report:

INT/10/K03 – Efficiency improving and energy saving scale-up of existing small hydropower (SHP) plants in rural areas

Submitter: International Center on Small Hydropower (IC-SHP) , based in Hangzhou, China
Subcontractor: not required
Priority area: Energy
Participating/beneficiary countries: 4 countries (China, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and Viet Nam)
PGTF input: US$ 29,000
Other inputs: US$ 66,000
Number: INT/10/K03
Duration: Twenty-four (24) months
Approval: 33rd Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 25 September 2009)
Completion: Final report submitted on 8 September 2013.
Impact:: Enacted a multi-faceted project that sought to educate participants in how to increase the efficiency of existing and future SHP (Small Hydro Power) installations. Through demonstrations, site surveys and analysis of potential policies, financing, and technologies, participants will be able to overcome existing barriers in SHP in their countries, while attaining social, environmental and economic benefits

Contact:  Prof. Liu Heng, Director-General, ICSHP
Address: PO Box 202, Hangzhou, 310002, China
Telephone: 86-571-87132796
Fax: 86-571-87023353
Email: director @


Final Report:

INT/08/K11 – Fee-for-service pico hydro: model for providing power to remote, low-income households

Submitter: International Center on Small Hydropower (ICSHP), based in Hangzhou, China
Subcontractor: same as above
Priority area: Energy
Participating/beneficiary countries: 3 countries (China, India and Sri Lanka)
PGTF input: US$ 38,000
Other inputs: US$ 59,500
Number: INT/08/K11
Duration: Twelve (12) months
Approval: 31st Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 27 September 2007)
Completion: Final report submitted on 1 April 2013
Impact: Multi-faceted activities were carried out aimed at establishing a sustainable financing model to provide Pico hydro units in India and Sri Lanka to low-income household communities. The project included, through meetings of various field experts and community members, the selection and establishment of suitable sites, purchasing of equipment, and training of staff and the community in hydropower technologies for proper cooperation, implementation and future use.

Contact:  Prof. Liu Heng, Director-General, ICSHP
Address: PO Box 202, Hangzhou, 310002, China
Telephone: 86-571-87132796
Fax: 86-571-87023353
Email: director @


Final Report:

INT/08/K06 – Increased sugar production through microbial inhibition of Leuconostoc sp. and other bacteria (Phase II)

Submitter: Cuban Research Institute for Sugar Cane by-Products (ICIDCA), Havana, Cuba
Subcontractor: same as above
Priority area: Industrialization
Participating/beneficiary countries: 4 countries (Argentina, Brazil, Cuba and Mexico)
PGTF input: US$ 38,000
Other inputs: US$ 55,000
Number: INT/08/K06
Duration: Two (2) years
Approval: 31st Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 27 September 2007)
Completion: Laboratory and field validation tests of effectiveness and safety of antimicrobial properties of a disinfectant and treatment agent developed for use in mill stations and sugar cane juice were conducted with a view to decreasing the effect of microorganisms on sugar losses and patenting of product for industrial use in sugar mills.

Contact:  Georgina Michelena Alvarez
Cuban Research Institute for Sugar Cane by-Products (ICIDCA)
V�a Blanca #804, San Miguel del Padr�n
CP 11000, Havana, Cuba
Telephone: (537)696-7015
Fax: (537)698-7015
Email: georgina.michelena @


Final Report:

INT/07/K06 – Building National Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) capacity of developing countries to effectively harness small hydropower

Submitter: International Center of Small Hydropower (ICSHP), Hangzhou, People’s Republic of China
Subcontractor: same as above
Priority area: Energy
Participating/beneficiary countries: Argentina, Colombia, China, Congo, C�te d�Ivoire, Ghana, India, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Mozambique, Mali, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Tunisia, United Republic of Tanzania, and Zimbabwe
PGTF input: US$ 33,000
Other inputs: US$ 50,360
Number: INT/07/K06
Duration: Twelve (12) months
Approval: 30th Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 22 September 2006)
Completion: Increased knowledge and understanding of the challenges and implementation of small hydro power projects and their Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) potential under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change through consultation missions and training courses in the participating or beneficiary countries.

Contact:  Prof. Tong Jiandong
136 Nanshan Road
Hangzhou, People’s Republic of China 130002
Tel. 86 571 87070070
Fax: 86 571 87023353
Email: hic @

Final Report:

INT/07/K05 – Enhanced diagnostic capacity and control measures of some trans-boundary animal diseases with emphasis on pathology and epidemiology of Johne’s disease and para-tuberculosis in Jordan, Egypt and Algeria

Submitter: Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST), based in Irbid City, Jordan
Subcontractor: same as above
Priority area: Health
Participating/beneficiary countries: 3 countries (Algeria, Egypt and Jordan)
PGTF input: US$ 33,000
Other inputs: US$ 35,000
Number: INT/07/K05
Duration: Twelve (12) months
Approval: 30th Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 22 September 2006)
Completion: Final report submitted on 12 March 2008
Impact: About 25 scientists from the participating countries attended a three day-regional workshop aimed at enhancing the diagnostic capacities for diseases such as Johne�s disease in ruminants and Avian Influenza in poultry. Participants learned practical skills and knowledge on diagnosing the Johne�s disease using histopathological and immunohistochemical examinations.

Contact:  Professor Nabil Q. Hallat
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Jordan University for Science and Technology
PO Box (3030)
Irbid 22110-Jordan
Telephone: +962-2-7201000, ext. 22026 and 22016
Fax: +962-2-7095117, +962-2-7095123
Email: hallatn @


Final Report:

INT/06/K11 – Strengthening of coordination and cooperation among countries for the prevention of HIV/AIDS in the Americas region

Submitter: Ministry of Health of Jamaica
Subcontractor: Same as above
Priority area: Health
Participating/beneficiary countries: 8 countries (Bahamas, Cuba, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, and Nicaragua)
PGTF input: US$30,000
Other inputs: US$78,000
Number: INT/06/K11
Duration: Twelve (12) months
Approval: 29th Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 22 September 2005)
Completion: Final report submitted on 25 September 2008
Impact: Best practices and lessons learned in the area of prevention and control of HIV/AIDS, specifically mother-to-child transmission, were identified in the participating countries as well as a mechanism of exchange and technical cooperation among the participating countries.

Contact:  Dr Mariela Licha-Salom�n
Coordinator, Country Support Unit
Panamerican Health Organization
525 Twenty-third St., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20037-2895
Tel.: (202) 974 31 97 or 34 39
Fax: (202) 974 36 01
Email: lichasal @


Final Report:

INT/06/K10 – Training, consultation and awareness for small hydropower development in Mozambique, Uganda, Nigeria and Zimbabwe

Submitter: International Center on Small Hydropower (IC-SHP), based in Hangzhou, China
Subcontractor: Same as above
Priority area: Energy
Participating/beneficiary countries: 5 countries (China, Mozambique, Nigeria, Uganda, and Zimbabwe)
PGTF input: US$35,000
Other inputs: US$40,840
Number: INT/06/K10
Duration: Fifteen (15) months
Approval: 29th Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 22 September 2005)
Completion: Final report submitted on 17 October 2008
Impact: Training workshops, seminars and field visits were successfully carried out to promote the development of small hydropower (SHP) sources for productive uses in selected countries in Africa through demonstration projects and pilot SHP stations.

Contact:  Prof. Tong Jiandong
136 Nanshan Road
Hangzhou, People’s Republic of China 130002
Tel. 86 571 87070070
Fax: 86 571 87023353
Email: hic @


Final Report:

INT/06/K02 – Training of experts on construction and operation of small-size hydropower plants in developing countries

Submitter: Institute of Electric Power and Remote Control (IEPRC) from the Democratic
People’s Republic of Korea
Subcontractor: Same as above
Priority area: Energy
Participating/beneficiary countries: 5 countries (Bangladesh, Cambodia, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Lao and Nepal).
PGTF input: US$30,000
Other inputs: US$42,066
Number: INT/06/K02
Duration: One year
Approval: 29th Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 22 September 2005)
Completion: Final report submitted on 8 August 2006
Impact: Participants from Bangladesh, Cambodia, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Lao and Nepal received training in the construction and operation of small-size hydropower facilities to help achieve power self-sufficiency in rural and remote areas.

Contact:  National Coordinating Committee for UNDP
JungSong Dong, Central District
Pyongyang City, DPR Korea
Tel: (850)(2)382-7222
Fax: (850)(2)3814660
Contact person: Ri Song Chol, Programme Coordinator at NCC


Final Report:

INT/03/K08 – Training, Consultation and Awareness Building for Small Hydropower in Developing Countries

Submitter: International Network on Small Hydropower (IN-SHP), based in the People’s Republic of China
Subcontractor: same as above
Priority area: Energy
Participating/beneficiary countries: 4 countries (China, Egypt, India, and Islamic Republic of Iran)   
PGTF input (US$): US$40,000
Other inputs (US$): US$117,400
Date of implementation: 2003-2004
Impact: A two-week training course for 31 participants from Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and India was conducted in India followed by a field visit to China which allowed for the exchange of information/technical know-how/expertise in small hydropower (SHP); facilitated common understanding of further SHP cooperation approaches and strategies; explored opportunities for SHP technology transfer; and made recommendations for SHP cooperation among developing countries.

Contact:  Prof. Tong Jiandong
136 Nanshan Road
Hangzhou, People’s Republic of China 130002
Tel. 86 571 87070070
Fax: 86 571 87023353
Email: hic @


Final Report:

INT/01/K07 – Water and energy optimization in sugar and alcohol integrated production

Submitter: Submitter: Cuban Research Institute for Sugar Cane
Byproducts (ICIDCA), Cuba
Subcontractor: Same as above
Priority area: Industrialization
Participating/beneficiary countries: 3 countries (Argentina, Cuba, and Mexico)
PGTF input: US$86,000
Other inputs: US$90,000
Date of implementation: 2004

Contact:  Contact: Mr. Ra�l Sabad� D�az
Via Blanca #804 y Carretera Central
San Miguel del Padr�n
Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba
Telephone: (537)557237, 986501
Fax: (537)338236
Email: sabadi @

Final Report:

INT/99/K05 – Pacific islands regional biomass energy resource assessment programme (PIRBERAP)

Submitter: The South Pacific Applied Geosciences Commission (SOPAC) Secretariat, based in Suva, Fiji
Subcontractor: Relevant NGOs
Priority area: Energy
Participating/beneficiary countries: 6 countries (Fiji, Kiribati, Samoa, Tonga, Tuvalu, and Vanuatu)  
PGTF input (US$): US$34,000
Other inputs (US$): US$166,000
Date of implementation: 2001-2004
Impact: Country nationals from the six Pacific Island Countries (Fiji, Kiribati, Samoa, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu) were trained in biomass assessment techniques and methodologies with a focus on identifying and quantifying the biomass energy resources in each of those countries, resulting in greater awareness of and a renewed interest in biomass as a potential energy source.

Contact:  Secretariat of the South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission (SOPAC)
Private Mail Bag, GPO
Suva, Fiji Islands
Tel: +679 338 1377
Fax: +679 337 0040
Email: director @
Website: http//


Final Report:

INT/98/K08 – Master Plan for the sustainable development of transportation and related infrastructure in South America

Submitter: Latin America Integration Association (ALADI), based in Montevideo, Uruguay
Subcontractor: not required
Priority area: Industrialization
Participating/beneficiary countries: 12 member countries (Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela)
PGTF input: US$50,000
Other inputs: US$413,000
Date of implementation: 1999-2001
Impact: It identified the main trade flows and the supply of transportation services in the region. This will facilitate the enhancement of these services and their infrastructure, as well as their regional production competitiveness.

Contact:  Latin American Integration Association
Address: Cebollati 1461, 11200, Montevideo, Uruguay
Telephone: 59-82-4091014 / 4003363
Fax: 59-82-4084566
Email: sgral @


Final Report: (Coming soon…)

INT/98/K06 – Training, consultation, awareness building for small hydropower in developing countries 

Submitter: International Network on Small Hydropower (IN-SHP), based in the People’s Republic of China
Subcontractor: same as above
Priority area: Energy
Participating/beneficiary countries: 16 countries (Bangladesh, China, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Ethiopia, Guatemala, India, Jamaica, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Panama, Venezuela, and Zambia)
PGTF input (US$): 150,000
Other inputs (US$): 330,300
Date of implementation: 1999-2001
Impact: Five training seminars in four developing countries. Consultation missions to seven countries to carry out feasibility studies. Publication of two training texts. Research and compilation of three surveys and a standards study. Initial funding for an international center for small hydropower through a trust fund administered by UNIDO

Contact:  International Centre on Small Hydro Power (ICSHP)
PO Box 202, Hangzhou, 310002, People’s Republic of China
Telephone: +86-571-87132796
Fax: +86-571-87023353
Email: director @


Final Report:

INT/96/K01 – Entrepreneurial Strengthening of Industrial and Artisan Cooperatives in Central America

Submitter: International Cooperative Alliance, a non-governmental organization, through its American Regional Bureau based in San José, Costa Rica
Priority area: Industrialization
Participating/beneficiary countries: 5 countries (Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua)
Subcontractor: Same as above
PGTF input: US$65,000
Other inputs: US$79,000
Number: INT/96/K01
Duration: One (1) year
Approval: 20th Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 27 September 1996)
Completion: Final budget revision submitted on 28 August 2000.

Contact:  (To be provided)

Final Report: (Coming soon…)

INT/95/K02 – Productive Internationalization in MERCOSUR: Foreign direct investment (FDI) and regional transnational corporations

Submitter: CPC Consultora Internacional Ltd. through the Government of Uruguay
Subcontractor: same as above
Priority area: Industrialization
Participating/beneficiary countries: 4 countries (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay)
PGTF input (US$): 140,000
Other inputs (US$): 42,200
Date of implementation: 1996-1997
Impact: The study provided a clear and objective understanding of the role that FDI is playing in the integration process of the region. Extracts from the study were reproduced as discussion papers in technical and policy level meetings in the Mercosur. However, its actual impact on FDI policies needs further clarification.

Contact:  CPC Consultora Internacional
Zelmar Michelin 1321 1204
Montevideo, Uruguay
Tel: 598-2-911530
Fax: 598-2-908867


Final Report:

INT/93/K05 – Guidelines and tools of a common industrial policy for Mercosur

Submitter: Government of Brazil
Subcontractor: Fundaçao Centro de Estudos do Comercio Exterior (FUNCEX) of Brazil
Priority area: Industrialization
Participating/beneficiary countries 4 countries (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay)
PGTF input (US$): 120,000
Other inputs (US$): 36,000
Date of implementation: 1994-1997
Impact: Provided important inputs for the analysis of the costs and benefits of the implementation of common industrial policies among Mercosur member countries. It also proposed guidelines for the harmonization of the industrial policies among Mercosur countries

Contact:  Funda��o Centro de Estudos do Com�rcio Exterior – FUNCEX
Av. Rio Branco, No. 120, Gr. 707
Centro, Rio de Janeiro – RJ-20.041-001
Telephone 55-21-2509 2662, 2509 4423
Fax: 55-21-2221 1656
Email: funcex @


Final Report:

INT/92/K02 – Raul Prebisch: Completed Works, 1919-1948, Comparative Experiences of Monetary Policies of Developing Countries, Vols. III and IV

Submitter: Raul Prebisch Foundation, based in Argentina
Subcontractor: Same as above
Priority area: Finance
Participating/beneficiary countries: All member countries of the Group of 77
PGTF input: US$60,700
Other inputs: US$12,950
Number: INT/92/K02
Duration: Three (3) months
Approval: 16th Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 1 October 1992)
Completion: Complete sets consisting of four volumes distributed in 1994 to the Permanent Missions of the Group of 77 in New York.

Contact:  Fundaci�n Ra�l Prebisch
Pasaje La Piedad 24
1037 Buenos Aires, Argentina


Final Report:

INT/89/K09 – Feasibility study for establishing a raw materials research and development center information system

Submitter: Government of Nigeria
Subcontractor: Raw Materials Research and Development Council of Nigeria
Priority area: Raw materials

Participating/beneficiary countries: 8 countries (Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Mali, Nigeria, Senegal, Togo, and Uganda)
PGTF input: US$100,000
Other inputs: Nil.
Number: INT/89/K09
Duration: Twelve (12) months
Approval: 13th Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 28 September 1989)
Completion: Feasibility Report submitted on 18 June 1996.

Contact:  Raw Materials Research and Development Council (RMRDC)
Plot 427, Aguiyi-Ironsi Street
Maitama District
Abuja, Nigeria
Tel: 234-9-4137420, 4137416
Fax: 234-9-4136034
E-mail: ceo @

Final Report:

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INT/17/K13 –Effective microorganisms: production and application in agriculture, postharvest fruit and animal husbandry.

Submitter: Cuban Research Institute on Sugarcane By-Products (ICIDCA), based in Havana, Cuba.
Subcontractor: Same as above.
Priority area: Food and agriculture.
Participating/beneficiary countries: 3 countries (Argentina, Cuba and Mexico).
PGTF input: US$ 27,000.
Other inputs: US$ 38,000.
Number: INT/17/K13.
Duration: 2018-2019.
Approval: 40th Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 23 September 2016).
Completion: Final report submitted on 30 May 2019.
Impact:: The project evaluated the application of several microbial strains as effective microorganisms (EM) to demonstrate how EM could enhance the productivity of agricultural and animal husbandry in order to decrease the use of agrochemicals, thereby contributing to sustainable agriculture and food security.


Contact:  Contact person: Georgina Michelena Alvarez.
Address: Vía Blanca #804 y Carretera Central, San Miguel del Padre, Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba.
Tel.: (537)6967015, 6986501 ext. 230.
Fax: (537)6988243.
Email: georgina.michelena @


Final Report:

Note: The reports posted have been prepared by the submitting institutions and their content is the sole responsibility of their authors. Please forward any inquiries or requests for further information to the contact person provided and kindly send a copy to the Office of the Chairman of the Group of 77 ( for our records.

© The Group of 77