Statement on behalf of the Group of 77 and China by the delegation of the Republic of Cuba at the informal meeting of the Second Committee of the General Assembly on agenda item 135: Programme planning (New York, 17 October 2023)

Mr. Chair, Excellencies, Colleagues,

I have the honor to deliver this statement on behalf of the G77 and China.

Programme Planning becomes essential to the functioning of the Organization, as it is the exercise that allows the legislative mandates of the various United Nations intergovernmental bodies and organs to be translated into concrete actions, which we hope, will contribute to the development and well-being of our peoples.

The Programme Plan, as the Organization´s principal policy directive, must receive special attention in all its phases. In this regard, the Group reiterates the role of the Committee for Programme and Coordination (CPC), as the main subsidiary body of the General Assembly and the Economic and Social Council for planning, programming, oversight and coordination.

CPC plays a critical technical advisory role in the General Assembly’s review of the United Nations programme plan. Providing recommendations to the General Assembly regarding programme plans should remain the primary responsibility of the CPC.

The Group encourages CPC’s members to work together with a constructive approach to agree on recommendations on all programmes in the future and to ensure that they are in line with the mandates generated by Member States.

Mr. Chair,

The Group takes note of programme 10, Trade and development, and programme 17, Economic development in Europe and, as the principal beneficiaries of the technical assistance activities of UNCTAD, we underscore the importance of UNCTAD’s technical cooperation, and its high quality.

Developing countries continue to face record high levels of unsustainable debt, commodity-dependence, food insecurity, persistent unemployment, increasing inequality and increasing poverty. In this context, the role of UNCTAD is key in providing policy recommendations and strengthening the capacity of developing countries to overcome these challenges, as well as in building consensus around efforts to promote national and international strategies and policies conducive to development.

All countries should articulate their efforts to support the work of this entity as it helps developing countries participate more equitably in the global economy and also supports their efforts to use trade, investment, finance, and technology as vehicles for sustainable development.

Mr. Chair,

As always, the Group stands ready to work with you, the Bureau and all colleagues to reach a successful outcome for this session.

I thank you.

© The Group of 77