Statement on behalf of the Group of 77 and China by H.E. Mr. Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cuba, at the preparatory ministerial meeting on the Summit of the Future (New York, 21 September 2023)

Mr. President,
Distinguished Ministers:

1- I have the honor to deliver this statement on behalf of the Group of 77 and China.

2- Our planet is living through the most complex times of all. The post-pandemic world has become a more divided, unjust and unequal place, particularly as multidimensional crises, has a huge impact and affect particularly developing countries. The situation demands an innovative approach if we wish to protect the interests of current and future generations.

3- The Group remains fully committed and constructively engaged in the intergovernmental preparations of the Summit of the Future, which should, among other things, accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the achievement of the SDGs.

4- Recently we adopted a draft decision on the scope of the Summit of the Future. The content of the Pact of the Future should be decided through open, transparent, and inclusive intergovernmental negotiations, taking into account the views of all Member States and Groups of countries.

5- These negotiations could take into account the deep debates and the work that was done during the preparatory process, in matters of priority for developing countries, considering an adequate balance of the whole document. We call all delegations to engage in this negotiation constructively and to avoid unfair practices promoted by some countries during negotiations, since they sometimes pretend to impose a kind of “veto” on the rest of the membership on important issues that should be included in the Pact as part of our responsibilities with present generations and as our legacy to future generations.

6- The Summit of the Future should reinvigorate and strengthen the multilateral system, and reaffirm the intergovernmental character of the United Nations, taking into account the mandates of existing bodies and structures, and avoiding any overlapping or duplication of intergovernmental efforts.

7- The Summit of the Future should provide a platform for the acceleration of the multilateral system reform to move towards a more just, equitable, united and sustainable world that advances towards the sustainable development and prosperity of all countries in the world, in line with the UN Charter. The Group reaffirms the need to ensure the recognition to the right to development and the right to live free of hunger and poverty, as a priority for developing countries.

8- The path to this noble purpose is unquestionably related to the change of the current unjust and exclusionary international order. The effects of the existing imbalances are multiplied for countries punished by the arbitrary application of unilateral coercive measures that affect an important group of nations of the G77 and China. Any outcome of the Summit of the Future will have to call on States to refrain from promulgating and applying any unilateral economic, financial or trade measures not in accordance with international law and the Charter of the United Nations, that impede the full achievement of economic and social development, particularly in developing countries.

9- The Group underlines the critical importance of the reform of the international financial architecture and the establishment of measures that go beyond GDP, in order to close the financing for development gap. The increasing debt vulnerabilities of developing countries, also call for urgent reform of the international debt architecture. Comprehensive efforts are required to broaden the role of IFIs to respond to global economic challenges, including through supporting developing countries in achieving the SDGs.

10- Since the Summit of the Future is meant to accelerate the implementation of SDGs, it must comprehensively address the issue of the provision of means of implementation for developing countries, which include, but are not limited to, financing, technology transfer and capacity building, which should take into account the priorities of developing countries. The Summit should enhance the provision of ODA to support economic growth in developing countries, in line with national priorities.

11. The Summit must reaffirm all Rio principles, including the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities, as a cornerstone for sustainable development.

12. The Summit of the Future must provide concrete solutions for the promotion of technology transfer and capacity building as well as technological and scientific cooperation from developed to developing countries in order to close the digital divide and foster sustainable development in its three dimensions in a comprehensive and coherent manner. This was recently endorsed in Havana, where a G77 Summit on “Current Development Challenges: The Role of Science, Technology and Innovation”, was successfully held. The input of this Summit should also contribute to the Pact for the Future.

13. We are obliged to pass on to future generations, a world in peace; equitably developed; truly democratic, where diversity is respected; a world ecologically sustainable and in track to restoring harmony with Nature; socially just, and where the sovereignty and equality of all nations is reaffirmed.

14. The world will only succeed in this ambitious and noble purpose towards development and well-being for all, through cooperation and global solidarity; only on the basis of the adherence to international law and the UN Charter, strengthening multilateralism and the foundations of peaceful coexistence among nations; only by assuming the language of dialogue and common understanding.

Thank you very much

© The Group of 77