Statement on behalf of Group of 77 and China by Minister Counsellor of the Republic of Cuba, Ms. Mercedes De Armas García, for the meeting convened by co-facilitators for the Summit of the Future, for the presentation of the HLAB on Effective Multilateralism´s report "A Breakthrough for People and Planet" (New York, 27 April 2023)

H.E. Mr. Neville Melvin Gertze,
Permanent Representative of Namibia

and H.E. Ms. Antje Leendertse,
Permanent Representative of Germany
Distinguished Excellences:

1.- I have the honor to deliver this statement on behalf of the Group of 77 and China.

2.- The G77 and China reiterates that it remains fully committed and constructively engaged in the intergovernmental preparations of the Summit of the Future, an important event to accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the achievement of the SDGs as well as to reinvigorate the multilateral system. Developing countries, which continue to be left behind, attach particular importance to those efforts aiming at reverting the disadvantageous situation faced by the Global South.

3. The Group reiterates that the priority in the coming months must be the SDG Summit. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals should be at the heart of preparations of any outcome of the Summit of the Future. Since the Summit of the Future will take place in September 2024, it is desirable that this very high-level meeting draws on the debates and outcome of the SDG Summit, which will occur in September this year. The declaration of the SDG Summit should be an essential input for the definitive result of the Summit of the Future.
4.- Relevant information, as contained in reports across the UN system, including the issues tackled in the Policy Briefs and the High-Level Advisory Board report, can contribute as an input for the intergovernmental discussions. The content of the Policy Briefs and other reports will not automatically be part of the Pact for the Future, unless agreed upon by Member States.

The purpose of these documents should be to inform Member States rather than generate new consultative processes.

5.- The G77 and China considers that the report that is brought to our attention today, introduces many new concepts and issues that require full consideration by our respective capitals.

6- This report was written over the timespan of several months, while Member States were asked in a few days, , to analyze this document and to present today substantive opinions. As a general rule, Member States require time to build their positions when it comes to substantive subjects.

7-In the case of a large group like the G77 and China, time is even more relevant to coordinate positions and to be able to deliver effectively the views from the Global South. We reiterate the calls from the Group to avoid this kind of proceedings, where we find ourselves to express our views about substantive elements. We reiterate our calls to the co-facilitators to develop a roadmap with proper sequencing that prioritizes the processes that are due this year.

8- We thank the presentation from the panel, which helps to better understand this report. The information will be processed and transmitted to our respective capitals. While we see value in hearing from the drafters, we highlight that these meetings must be treated as briefings rather than consultations.

9.- It is important to note that Member States have not yet decided on the scope and elements of the Summit of the Future, a process that has only started a few days ago. The Group had previously stated that beginning substantive discussions on specific proposed elements, without Member States deciding on the overall scope of the Summit would be premature, and would prejudge its general outcome.

10.- The G77 and China has a historical commitment of supporting multilateralism and the UN with the Charter as its core. Preserving and strengthening the values of multilateralism, international cooperation and solidarity to face common challenges, on a spirit of building consensus, is fundamental in promoting and supporting the work across the pillars of the United Nations. Multilateralism and full respect for the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and International Law, are the way to guarantee peaceful coexistence, preserve international peace and security and find lasting solutions to the systemic problems of development.

11.- In this regard, the Group strongly believes that the Summit of the Future should reinvigorate the multilateral system, with the aim, among others, of fulfilling the SDGs, taking into account the mandates of existing bodies and structures, and avoiding any overlapping or duplication of intergovernmental processes. The Group strongly believe that preserving the intergovernmental character of the United Nations in its decision-making processes must be at the core of any discussion for the Future.

12.- The Group stresses that the Summit of the Future should also allow the reform of the multilateral system with the aim of advancing to changes the current unjust and exclusionary international order to progress towards sustainable development and prosperity of all the countries in the world, in line with the UN Charter.

Thank you very much.

© The Group of 77