Statement on behalf of the Group of 77 and China by Ambassador Yusnier Romero Puentes, Deputy Permanent Representative of Cuba to the United Nations, at the informal briefing convened by the Executive Office of the Secretary-General on the Our Common Agenda policy briefs for the Summit of the Future (New York, 9 March 2023)

1. I have the honor to deliver this statement on behalf of the Group of 77 and China.

2. I would like to express the Group’s appreciation to the Secretary General and his Executive Office for the efforts with regards to the follow-up to the report entitled “Our Common Agenda” and the proposals contained therein, for the consideration of Member States. We thank the convening of this meeting as it is in line with General Assembly resolution 76/6, which requested the Secretary-General to brief Member States on a regular basis.

3. The Group believes these briefings are important to keep Member States appraised and ensure a Member States driven process on the discussion and implementation of relevant proposals outlined in the report, through intergovernmental processes.

4. The Group takes note with interest of the idea of elaborating Policy Briefs on specific initiatives. The Group believes these documents would serve as important inputs, among others, for the preparatory process leading up to the Summit in 2024, keeping in mind that Member States will make the final decision on the various tracks of the Summit and its outcomes. Proper consideration should be given to the tracks proposed by the Secretary General´s team. Nonetheless, Member States should have the space and time not only to decide on these proposed tracks, but also to identify additional ones, if needed.

5. It is in that spirit that the Group takes note of the two Policy Briefs published and circulated today, on strengthening response to global shocks and on thinking and acting on behalf of future generations. The Group would be better prepared to provide additional comments, if any, at a later stage.

6. The Group notes that Member States have not decided yet the scope of the Summit, as per General Assembly resolution 76/307. In the view of the Group, that should be the initial step for the preparatory process of the Summit, leading up to the Ministerial Meeting this September. It would be natural to commence substantive negotiations within the specific tracks, after the overall scope of the Summit has been decided upon.

7. Finally, the Group reiterates that it stands ready to continue engaging with a constructive spirit in the follow-up process to the report of the Secretary General entitled “Our Common Agenda”.

I thank you.

© The Group of 77