Statement on behalf of the Group of 77 and China by Ms. Juana María Pantoja, Head of the National Statistics and Information Office of Cuba, on Agenda item 3(l) "Working methods of the Statistical Commission", at the 54th session of the United Nations Statistical Commission (New York, 2 March 2023)

H.E. Ms. Gabriella Vukovich, Elected Chair of the 54 sessions of the UN Statistical Commission,
Distinguish representatives,

I have the honour on deliver this statement on behalf of the Group of 77 and China.

On the agenda item “Working methods of the Statistical Commission”, the Group of 77 and China would like to express the following:

1. Increase in membership of the commission will make it more representative by paying due regard to equitable regional representation.

2. Last time membership was enlarged was in 1966, when there were 122 Members States. Today we are 193 Member States in the United Nations.

3. The only way to bring balance to current UN membership configuration is by increasing membership in the Statistical Commission. We seek for more developing countries will be represented.

4. As a technical body, increase in membership will help in bringing more perspectives and ideas to the work of the Commission, in a world today when data ecosystem has grown exponentially and when the most needed are developing countries.

The G77 and China therefore wishes to express its support for the consideration of this item for the benefit of the countries of the Global South that it represents.

Thank you.

© The Group of 77