Statement on behalf of the Group of 77 and China by Ms. Dalia Torres Seara, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission of Cuba to the United Nations, at the first informal consultation on the political declaration to be adopted by the SDG Summit (HLPF meeting under the auspices of the General Assembly) in September 2023 (New York, 3 February 2023)

H.E. Ms. Alya Ahmed AL-Thani, Permanent Representative of the State of Qatar,
H.E. Mr. Fergal Mythen, Permanent Representative of Ireland,
Excellencies and colleagues,

I have the honor to deliver this statement on behalf of the G77 and China.

At the outset allow me to congratulate you, Excellencies, for your appointment as co-facilitators to conduct the intergovernmental consultations on the political declaration to be adopted by the SDG Summit in September 2023. The G77 and China reaffirms its commitment to engage constructively with a view to reach a consensual, concise, action-oriented and transformative political declaration.

The SDG Summit takes place at a critical juncture, as we stand midway, with only 7 years left to 2030. The developing countries are facing multiples challenges that hinder our joint efforts to achieve sustainable development and eradicate poverty in all its forms and dimensions. Addressing the gaps and the insufficient provision of means of implementation remains a challenge that must be addressed and resolved.

The political declaration should emphasize the leaders´ political will, at the highest level, to implement the 2030 Agenda and its SDGs in their integrity, and focus on their immediate implementation, while also addressing the gaps and challenges. It should also maintain the integrity of the 2030 Agenda and reflect the indivisible and interlinked nature of the SDGs, as well as the necessary balance between its three dimensions.

The G77 and China stresses the intergovernmental nature of the consultation process aiming to achieve a consensual declaration to be adopted at the level of the Heads of State and Government. For this reason, the Group calls for ambitious text-based negotiations that contribute to building transparency with the wider membership.

In this context, the Group believes that the overall aim of the political declaration should be to send a clear political message renovating our collective commitment to implement the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs, building on major milestones such as the Addis Abeba Action Agenda and the Paris Agreement.

The Group also wishes to underline the importance of allowing delegations and groups to have sufficient time to consult capitals, coordinate, as well as to have adequate time to negotiate. The negotiation process should not overlap with other processes, especially with the FfD Forum, recognizing that the delegations will face an unusually heavy workload given the multiple ongoing intergovernmental meetings during the 77th session of the General Assembly.

On the structure, the G77 and China believes that the political declaration adopted at the SDG Summit in 2019 should serve as a foundation for the political declaration of 2023.

The Group would like to suggest the following structure, which can be divided into three main sections:

First: a political message from the Heads of State and Government on their commitment to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the achievement of the SDGs, with a view to eradicating poverty and hunger as an overarching objective and achieving sustainable development.

Second: highlighting the progress achieved to date in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, as well as challenges and gaps, including the impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Third: a call for urgent, concrete, transformative and comprehensive solutions to accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the achievement of the SDGs while addressing the widening global inequalities. Some of the areas in which concrete actions could be proposed are commitments or policies to address the immediate crises facing developing countries, bridging the SDG Financing Gap and systemic reforms, including in the need to reform international financial architecture.

The G77 and China looks forward to providing in our next round of consultations specific substantive inputs and priority areas, as well as concrete proposals in relation to the challenges facing developing countries.

Finally, the Group reaffirms its commitment to actively engage in this crucial process.

I thank you.

© The Group of 77