Statement on behalf of the Group of 77 and China by Mr. Jibran Khan Durrani, First Secretary of the Permanent Mission of Pakistan to the United Nations, on agenda item 138: Programme budget for 2023 - Request for subvention to the Special Tribunal for Lebanon for 2023, at the Fifth Committee during the main part of the seventy-seventh session of the General Assembly (New York, 8 December 2022)

Mr. Chair,

1. I have the honor to speak on behalf of Group of 77 & China and would like to thank Mr. Chandramouli Ramanathan, Controller, and Assistant Secretary-General and Mr. Abdalla Bachar Bong, Chair of the Advisory Committee on Budgetary Question for introducing the respective reports.

2. The Group commends the Government of Lebanon for consistently honoring its agreed financial obligation to the Special Tribunal since its establishment in 2007. However, the Government of Lebanon has been witnessing an unprecedented socio-economic and financial crisis, resulting in the country’s defaulting for the first time in its history on its debts as well as its contributions to the Tribunal. Consequently, these circumstances have left the Government of Lebanon unable to cover its 49% share of contributions to the budget of the tribunal.

3. Despite the subvention granted by the General Assembly for 2022, the Tribunal faced a significant shortfall of funds in the first half of the year. In order to avoid a premature liquidation of the Tribunal in early 2022, the Government of Lebanon, despite its economic challenges, undertook significant efforts to pledge $900,000 as a portion of its assessed contribution. In parallel, the Tribunal undertook its own extraordinary efforts, when the Appeals Chamber committed to render its appeal judgment one month earlier than originally planned, allowing for cost reductions. The Tribunal continued its intensive fundraising efforts, and with the added benefit of the completion plan was able to raise sufficient funds to allow it to continue its operations through the end of 2022.

4. Despite the significant fundraising efforts, which will continue during 2023, voluntary contributions for the Tribunal have continued to decline over the years, falling from $22.7 to $8.1 million in 2021 and a projected $1.0 million in 2022. At the time of reporting, there were no pledged contributions for 2023, and it is unclear whether Lebanon will be in a position to make a contribution to the Tribunal in 2023.

5. The Group also noted that pursuant to framework of performance of residual functions, the United Nations and the Government of Lebanon have agreed to a completion plan for finalization of work and orderly closure of the Tribunal by the end of 2023. It is envisaged that a final renewal of Tribunal’s mandate would be limited to non-judicial mandate. During this residual phase, the Tribunal will perform its drawdown activities; that is managing and preserving its records and archives, supporting the protection of witnesses and victims, and providing assistance to national authorities and responding to requests for information.

6. The Group underscores that the Special Tribunal for Lebanon is the first UN ad-hoc Tribunal to close following the completion of residual functions, and acknowledges the significant efforts made to reach this end.

7. This final subvention request amounts to $2.9 million, which represents a significant decrease of $ 4.0 million as compared to last year’s subvention and is needed to ensure orderly closure of Tribunal to perform its residual functions. The Group stands firmly with the people of Lebanon and international justice and urges all Member States to do the same by approving this subvention at the level of resources requested by the Secretary General to supplement the Tribunal’s budget for 2023.

8. In conclusion, the Group stands ready to engage constructively on this agenda item during the upcoming informal consultations.

I thank you Mr. Chair.

© The Group of 77