Statement on behalf of the Group of 77 and China by Mr. Jibran Khan Durrani, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Pakistan to the United Nations, on agenda items 138 & 151: Proposed program budget for 2023: Progress on the Enterprise Resource Planning Project (Umoja), at the Fifth Committee during the main part of the seventy-seventh session of the United Nations General Assembly (New York, 5 December 2022)

Mr. Chair,

1. I have the honor to speak on behalf of the Group of 77 and China and would like to thank Mr. Chandramouli Ramanathan, Assistant Secretary-General, Controller; Ms. Valentina Gálvez, Chair of the Audit Operations Committee; and Mr. Abdallah Bachar Bong, Chair of the ACABQ for introducing their respective reports.

2. The Group wishes to commend the role of UMOJA as being among the key elements of the administrative reform and modernization. It promotes the streamlining of processes, data-driven management and inter-operability across different support systems including the management of projects, human resources, supply chains, and strategic planning.

Mr. Chair,

3. We note that the present report contains information on progress related to the three key strategic pillars of the Umoja system namely (i) Umoja Analytics; (ii) continuous improvements; and (iii) Systems, security and infrastructure. With regards to Umoja Analytics, we note that the uniformed capabilities support portal and the United Nations Secretariat workforce portal for Member States has been delivered in 2022. Both of portals are able to provide detailed data through info-graphic visuals, reliability and comprehensiveness that’s suits the needs of the Member states. We also note the development of Enterprise Risk Management Dashboards for risk treatment measures for evolving risk profile of the Organization and Integrated planning, reporting and dashboards for budget formulation and strategic management.

4. With regards to continuous improvements delivered during the period, we observe business transformations in human capital management, new payroll process model; improved comparative budget analysis in the budget formulation solution; and streamlined customs clearance and shipment handling. We note with appreciation that integration of Umoja with Aspira, integration of Umoja and United Nations Joint Staff pension Fund Enterprise System which is under development. On safety and security, the Division has, together with the Office of Information and Communications Technology, enhanced Umoja security, enabling multifactor authentication for Umoja applications and single sign-on for Umoja Analytics, proactively implementing cyber security measures and deploying a state-of-the-art high availability solution.

Mr Chair,

5. With the circulation of personal and organizational data, it is only right that UMOJA is equipped with a strong capability to counter threats to its infrastructure, especially after the compromise of the system’s security earlier this year. Thus, we trust that the Secretary-General and his designated officials will continue to exercise vigilance and due care to pursue this objective by ensuring the full implementation of the Secretariat’s 2019 cyber security action plan, as well as making sure that Intellectual Property Rights to the platform and the solutions it provides remain with the organization.

6. We note the total ownership cost of Umoja to be $1,519 million. In this regard, the Group will seek further information during the informal consultations on the revised funding model to be effective in 2024, in order to ensure that the project remains cost-effective and transparent, especially as it reaches its steady state.

7. We also note that the outstanding recommendations of Board of Auditors have been reduced from 60 to 23. The Group notes the Umoja system is currently used by 43,302 users across 460 locations. In its eleventh and final annual progress report on the implementation of the United Nations Enterprise Resource Planning System, the Board of Auditors noted that Umoja remained a key enabler for modernization and reforms in the administration of the United Nations.

8. In conclusion, the Group of 77 and China stands ready to continue to engage constructively during the informal deliberations of this agenda item.

I thank you.

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