Statement on behalf of the Group of 77 and China by Jibran Durrani, First Secretary at the Permanent Mission of Pakistan to the United Nations, at the Fifth Committee during the closing session of the second resumed part of the seventy-sixth session of the United Nations General Assembly (New York, 29 June 2022)

Thank you, Mr Chair.

1. I have the honour to speak on behalf of the Group of 77 and China at this closing session of the second part of resumed seventy-sixth session of the Fifth Committee.

2. This has been a really challenging session packed with important, very sensitive and diverse agenda items, which necessitated extensive hard work and negotiations. Nevertheless, the Group is satisfied that we have reached a conclusion to this session.

3. Significantly, the Committee reached agreement on practically all agenda items before it this session, with only the deferral on one agenda item.

4. The Group of G77 & China is pleased that we have been able to make progress on the Secretary General proposal on Addressing Racism & discrimination within the UN System. We are determined to have deeper engagement in upcoming sessions to root out this systematic problem completely. Concurrent with it, the adoption of JIU resolution on enhancing accessibility for persons with disabilities is another milestone. We think that adoption of these two resolutions conveys a genuine message of concern of the Committee for the UN Secretariate and its Staff.

5. Similarly, our Group is pleased that the Committee was able to adopt; the much-awaited cross-cutting resolution after six years, a landmark resolution on PTSD; that will help PCC/TCC mitigate PTSD in uniformed personnel and a very important resolution on the Improvement of the financial situations of UN. Although, we still think that TCC rates doesn’t adequately corresponds to the situation on the ground, but we understand that no consensus, including the TCC rates, would have been possible without trying for extra miles of flexibility on the part of our group and other delegates as well.

Mr Chair,

6. Peacekeeping is the largest and most visible representation of the United Nations’ work. The Group reaffirms its position that peacekeeping missions must be adequately resourced for effective mandate delivery. The Group also recognizes the invaluable contribution of troop and police contributing countries to the maintenance of international peace and security. We emphasize the importance of continued and close consultations between the Secretary-General and troop and police contributing countries on all matters related to peacekeeping operations.

Mr Chair,

7. While acknowledging the valuable contribution of the Board of Auditors, the Group notes that there are certain matters within the Board’s report that are of the sole purview of the Member States. The Group once again would like to congratulate the Office of Internal Oversight Services for their invaluable contribution to the work of the Organization and looks forward to receiving their evaluation of the completed flexible workplace project.

Mr Chair,

8. The Group extends its appreciation to all members of the Bureau for their hard work, and to all burden-sharers who played key roles in our difficult negotiations. We thank our colleagues for their flexibility and constructive engagement to reach consensus on several issues during this session.

9. In particular, the Group would like to thank the members of the Secretariat for their dedication, excellent work ethic and endurance.

10. Finally, as we look ahead and prepare for the seventy-seventh session, the Group reaffirms its commitment to always engage constructively in the work of the Fifth Committee. As the pandemic situation improves, the Group looks forward to reengaging in-person at the UN headquarters and being able to achieve more and better results for the Organization as a whole. We hope that the spirit of cooperation and flexibility will continue to prevail. As always, the Group stands ready to work with all colleagues to build a more accountable, effective, and fit-for-purpose United Nations that works for the interests of all Member States in bettering the lives of people.

Thank you, Mr. Chair.

© The Group of 77