General Comments

Distinguished Co-Facilitators,

1) I have the honor to deliver these remarks on the behalf of the Group of 77 and China.

2) I would start with some general comments. At the outset, let me thank the co-facilitators for their efforts in preparing the Second Rev. We note that some of the Groups inputs were taken on board. However, we note with concern that several of our inputs, on issues of key importance for the group, have not been taken on board.

3) The Group would highlight that these inputs have been consistently put forward by the Group in previous consultations and will be proposed again in this round. We would also highlight that we consider the inclusion of these proposals of the utmost importance for the Ministerial Declaration.

4) The Group would also highlight the need for this to remain an inter-governmental process, and that sufficient time be provided to react to other delegations proposals. We hope the Expert meeting scheduled for Monday will provide this opportunity.

5) The Group would reiterate the need to adhere to terminologies from multilaterally agreed UN documents, such as the 2030 Agenda, the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, the Paris Agreement under UNFCCC, and other major UN outcome documents in the economic, social and environmental fields throughout this text.

Section I Introduction (Para 1-11)


6) On Paragraphs 1 and 2, the Group has proposes to incorporate the second sentence of Paragraph 2 into Paragraph 1 in order to streamline and avoid duplication.

7) On Para 3, the Group proposes to add ‘leave no country’ before ‘leave no one behind’. With regards to the third sentence of this paragraph, the Group notes with appreciation that our inputs for inclusion of the reference to the Declaration on the Right to Development have been incorporated. We propose to split this paragraph into two parts, starting from the second sentence.

8) Furthermore, the Group has consistently proposed an additional paragraph elaborating on the right to development as an inalienable human right and would reiterate our request for its inclusion.

9) On Para 4, we propose to delete the reference to hunger, malnutrition and food security in the first sentence. Instead we propose an additional sentence on reaffirming the importance of achieving food security and expressing concern over the drastic increase in hunger, malnutrition and food insecurity, especially in developing countries. We also reiterate our previous proposal that we should ‘remain gravely concerned’ on the increase in the global poverty rate rather than the current language which states ‘note with concern’.

10) On Paragraph 5, we reiterate our request for deletion of the second sentence.

11) On Paragraph 6, we propose a small addition to the last sentence stating that ‘we reaffirm that the 2030 Agenda and its SDGs also seek to realise the human rights of all’.

12) On Paragraph 7, we appreciate that the Groups proposal for inclusion of the UNFCC, the New Urban Agenda and the CBD have been taken on board.

13) On Paragraph 8, the group notes that in the last sentence, the reference to centrality of good and inclusive governance and rule of law has been reinserted in this Rev. The Group’s position remains the same, and we reiterate our proposal to delete this reference. We also propose the addition of malnutrition after food insecurity in order to maintain consistency.

14) On Paragraph 9, we propose that we ‘reaffirm’ the primary responsibility of governments instead of ‘recognise’. We also propose that the reference to the central role of the UN system should come before the reference to other stakeholders. Moreover, we propose the addition of ‘other relevant’ before stakeholders and the deletion of the reference to civil society and private sector.

15) On Paragraph 10 regarding the listing, the Group reiterates our request for the inclusion of a reference to ‘countries and people under foreign occupation’.

16) The Group has consistently proposed that the addition of a paragraph referring to the need for effective measures to be taken to remove the obstacles to the full realisation of the right to self-determination of people’s living under colonial and foreign occupation.

17) We have also consistently proposed the addition of a paragraph on the need to respect the territorial integrity and political independence of States.

18) Both of these proposals are based on agreed language, both from last years HLPF Ministerial Declaration and from the 2030 Agenda. We are extremely concerned that despite our repeated request for the inclusion of these paragraphs, our inputs have been disregarded.

19) The Group is also concerned that our repeated proposal for the inclusion of a paragraph on Unilateral Economic, Financial or Trade measures not in accordance with international law and the Charter of the United Nations has not been taken into account. We would highlight again that this proposal is verbatim from the 2030 Agenda.

Section II Impact of COVID-19 (Para 12-33)

20) On paragraph 11, we have minor amendments to change ‘generate’ to ‘exacerbate’, to add a reference to local communities after indigenous peoples, to change workers in the informal economy to informal sector and to delete the reference to other marginalised groups at the end of the sentence.

21) On paragraph 13, the group proposes minor changes to the language. The addition of children after women, the addition of a reference to barriers to access financial resources, addition of a reference to resilient infrastructure and sustainable industrialisation, the addition of environmental degradation, desertification and the addition of a reference to leave no country and no one behind.. The group also proposes the deletion of ‘low carbon’ before development pathways in the last sentence.

22) On paragraph 14, we propose the addition of protectionism, unsustainable consumption and production patterns. We also propose that we should add a reference to strengthening the resilience of global value and supply chains.

23) On Paragraph 15, we note that our previous proposal had only partially been taken on board. We reiterate our previous proposal, which is in our written inputs.

24) On Paragraph 16, we propose adding amongst others after coordinated approach and to delete the reference to health emergencies as it limits the scope of the paragraph.

25) On Paragraph 17, we note that our inputs have been taken on board with regards to local and regional manufacturing and support the retention of that. We propose that ‘immunization’ be changed to ‘vaccination’.

26) On Paragraph 18 we note that the reference to CTAP has been removed. We request for its inclusion again. We also note that our inputs on helping developing countries to meet their vaccination needs have been incorporated.

27) On Paragraph 22, the Group has the following remarks:

– On Paragraph 22 (a), we propose changing the full and equal enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms to recognizing the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest standard of physical and mental health. We also propose the deletion of voluntary.
– On Paragraph 22 (b), we note that the language has regressed, and that all reference to TRIPs flexibilities has been removed. We propose the addition of an alternative 22 (b), based on last years HLPF Ministerial Declaration.
– On Paragraph 22 (e), the Group proposes the deletion of the reference to the One Health Approach.
28) The Group also notes that our consistent proposal for the inclusion of a reference to the positive contribution of migrants for inclusive growth and sustainable development and to the COVID-19 response and recovery has not been reflected. Our detailed proposal is in our written inputs and we reiterate our request for its inclusion.

29) On Paragraph 24, we propose additional language on how the development and implementation of risk-informed plans are essential for Sustainable Development.

30) On Paragraph 25, we propose the deletion of ‘care’ as there is a lack of clarity on its meaning

31) We propose moving paragraphs 26 and 27 to the Introduction Section with some minor amendments.

Section III Goals under in depth Review and VNRs (Para 28-30 bis)

32) On Paragraph 28, the Group reiterates our request for the inclusion of a reference appreciating the Group of Friends of the VNRs. We note that such a reference was also in last years Ministerial Declaration and would appreciate a rationale for its consistent exclusion this year. We also propose to change ‘nationally driven’ to ‘locally driven’ in line with agreed language from last year.

33) On Paragraph 29, the Group proposes that addition of relevant before stakeholders and the deletion of the reference to civil society and local governments. We also propose the addition of ‘where appropriate’

34) On Paragraph 30, we propose the addition of a reference to localisation of the SDGs

SDG 4 (Para 31 – 49)

35) On Para 32, the Group proposes changing children from disadvantaged backgrounds to children and youth in vulnerable situations. We also propose deleting the reference to persons in vulnerable situations and marginalised groups. Our other amendments are in our written inputs.

36) On Paragraph 33, we propose adding ‘the achievement of’ in front of sustainable development. We propose adding ‘but not limited to’ before early childhood development. We propose the deletion of ‘in line with the Paris Declaration’ and the references to the international benchmarks of 4-6% and 15-20% of public expenditure. We also highlight that it should be small island developing states.

37) On Paragraph 34, the Group requests for the inclusion of school safety and propose the deletion of sexual and gender based and all form of violence and child abuse. We propose the addition of a sentence on providing safe, non-violent, inclusive and effective learning environments for all. We propose changing re-enrolment to re-engagement and the deletion of discriminated groups. Our complete detailed proposals on this Paragraph will be provided in our written inputs.

38) On Paragraph 35, we propose the deletion of the reference to the COVID-19 pandemic

39) On Paragraph 36, the Group proposes the inclusion of providing primary and secondary education for all girls and boys in line with the 2030 Agenda indicator. We propose adding the ’empowerment of girls in and through education’. With regards to the We also propose adding after quality education that ‘promotes youth and women’s economic empowerment’. We propose the deletion of ‘provides opportunities, capacities and understanding’ and ‘strengthens their voices, agency’ and instead suggest to add ‘promotes youth and women’s economic empowerment and enables their full, equal, effective and meaningful partnership’.

40) On Paragraph 37, the Group proposes to change low and no tech solutions to low and no tech strategies.

41) On Paragraph 38, we propose adding ‘but not limited to’ before the Global Education Cooperation mechanism.

42) On Paragraph 39, we propose that the summit should work towards ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all and suggest the deletion of the reference to the summit ensuring a resilient, inclusive and sustainable recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic that advances equality in education and contributes to peaceful, inclusive and sustainable futures. We also propose some priority areas for the summit, which will be in our written inputs.

43) We propose an additional paragraph on the report of the Institute of Statistics of UNESCO on education statistics.

SDG 5 (Para 40-51)

44) On Paragraph 40, we propose adding ‘ensure respect for’ before the full and equal enjoyment of all human rights. We propose the deletion of throughout their life course. We also propose the deletion of the line ‘efforts must be redoubled to urgently and effectively accelerate action on gender equality and and women’s empowerment, making it a priority in recovery and response measures to COVID-19 and beyond’.

45) On Paragraphs 43, we propose the deletion of gender-responsive before risk governance. We also propose the deletion of ‘gender sensitive’ before disaster risk reduction policies in the last sentence.

46) On Paragraph 48, we propose the deletion of the last sentence.

47) We propose the addition of an additional paragraph on cooperation to eliminate situations of vulnerability for women migrant workers.

48) On Paragraph 50, we propose changing gender-disaggregated data to sex-disaggregated data.

49) On Paragraph 51, we note that our inputs were only partially taken on board. We reiterate our previous proposal on 51 as a 51Alt.

SDG 14 (Para 52-65)

50) On Paragraph 52, the Group proposes the addition of a reference to the Second UN Ocean Conference to be held on 27 June.

51) On Paragraph 54, we reiterate our previous proposal for the addition of a sentence ‘as recalled in Paragraph 158 of the Future We Want’.

52) On Paragraph 56, we propose deletion of the reference to ‘aggravated by the pandemic’ and instead propose language on the threat to ocean health caused by improper waste management caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. We request for a source on the reference to half of live coral cover on coral reefs being lost since 1870.

53) On Paragraph 58, we propose the addition of adequate before financial resources. We also propose the deletion of voluntary.

54) On Paragraph 59, we propose the addition of ‘especially in the marine environment’ after plastic pollution. We propose the deletion of all sources and propose changing circular approaches to sustainable economy approaches in line with 2030 Agenda language.

55) On Paragraph 60, we have slight amendments which will be in our written inputs.

56) On Paragraph 61, we propose adding balanced, practical, effective, robust and transformative in front of the qualifiers and deleting transformational in line with previous agreed language. We also propose adding robust, balanced and effective agreement before the qualifiers for BBNJ.

57) On Paragraph 62, we propose deleting the reference to efforts to conserve at least 30% of the globe ocean within marine protected areas and instead propose moving it to Section V.

58) On Paragraph 62ter, we propose the addition of a reference to south and triangular cooperation. Our detailed proposal will be in our written inputs.

59) On Paragraph 64 we highlight the Group’s strong preference for the formulation of nature-based solutions, ecosystem based approaches, among approaches. Hence, we propose the deletion of ‘and’.

60) On Paragraph 65, we propose to change welcome to note.

61) On Paragraph 66, we ask for the source of language in the first sentence

SDG 15 (Para 66-80)

62) On Paragraph 68, we propose adding ‘challenges of a global dimension’ after drought. We also propose language on highlighting the particular challenges this poses for Africa, the LDCs and the LLDCs. We propose the deletion of the second last sentence.

63) On Paragraph 69, we propose the deletion of the sentence ‘in particular around cross cutting issues such as food systems’. We also propose the deletion of the last sentence.

64) On Paragraph 70, the Group proposes the addition of mountains ecosystems. We also propose changing poverty alleviation to eradication,

65) On paragraph 71, we propose the deletion of ‘voluntary’ and ‘mutually agreed terms’.We highlight here again the Group’s strong preference for the formulation ‘nature-based solutions, ecosystem based approaches, among other approaches’. Hence, we propose the deletion of ‘and’ again.

66) On Paragraph 72, the Group proposes to add the qualifiers balanced, practical, effective, robust and transformative before the post-2020 framework and propose the deletion of transformational.

67) We also propose splitting the paragraph, with a separate paragraph focused on the convening of the first Part of COP. Our detailed proposal is in our written inputs.

68) On Paragraph 73, we propose using ‘protecting, conserving, restoring and sustainIng terrestrial, freshwater and marine ecosystems.’ We propose the addition of local communities after indigenous peoples. We propose the deletion of the reference to the 30% target and instead propose to have one reference to it in the Way Forward Section.

69) On Paragraph 74, we propose taking note of the Glasgow Leaders Declaration on Forests and Land Use instead of welcome.

70) We propose an additional paragraph on the contribution of sustainable use, protection , conservation and restoration of mountain ecosystems to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. Our detailed proposal is in our written inputs.

71) On Paragraph 77, we propose the addition of measurable, predictable, and effective resources to developing countries. We also propose the deletion of from all sources, public and private. We propose the deletion of voluntary. We also propose the deletion of the references to subsidies.

SDG 17 (Para 81-92)

72) On Paragraph 81, the Group notes that our inputs were not taken on board. We reiterate our previous proposal on strengthening international cooperation Our detailed proposal is in our written inputs.

73) We note with appreciation that our proposal for the need to develop measurements of progress that complement or go beyond GDP has been taken on board.

74) On Paragraph 86, the Group proposes to delete ‘and’ after food security.

75) We reiterate our previous proposal for an additional paragraph on FDI, which has not been included,

76) On Paragraph 88, we propose additional language on South South Cooperation as an important element of international cooperation for development as a complement to but not a substitute for North-South Cooperation. We also propose reiterating that International Development Cooperation, especially North-South Cooperation, remains a fundamental catalyst for development. Our detailed inputs will be in our written inputs.

77) On Paragraph 90, we propose the deletion of the line starting from ‘including adherence to agreed development cooperation principles’. Instead we propose using agreed language from the FFD outcome document.

78) We will also propose an additional paragraph on the importance of taking targeted measures to eradicate poverty in all its forms and dimensions everywhere, including extreme poverty, with enhanced international support and strengthened global partnerships in our written inputs

79) On Paragraph 93, we propose adding language on the need for greater integration of landlocked developing countries into world trade and global value chains. Our detailed proposal will be in our written inputs.

80) We propose the deletion of Paragraph 94, as it is duplicative of Paragraph 120. We also propose incorporating elements from 94 into 120.

81) We note that our proposal on the role of MSMEs in contributing to SDG implementation has not been incorporated and reiterate our previous proposal in this regards.

Other Priority Issues

82) On Paragraph 98, the Group notes that our inputs have not been incorporated. Hence, the Group reiterates our previous proposals as alternative paragraphs on 98.

83) We propose a paragraph on the challenges posed by climate change, and including a reference to the recent IPCC report. We also propose within this paragraph to urge for the full implementation of all commitments, including the Paris Agreement, all the outcomes of the 26th COP, including the Glasgow climate pact and working towards an ambitious COP 27.

84) Next we propose another paragraph on temperature targets and the aim to reach global peaking as soon as possible, recognizing that it will take longer for developing country parties and that accelerated action is required in this decade on the basis of equity, reflecting common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities and in the context of sustainable development and efforts to eradicate poverty. Our detailed proposal is in our written inputs.

85) The Group is also concerned about the approach taken to the Alt Paragraphs on climate finance provided in the previous text. We note that despite the Group’s inputs, several aspects, including the need to fully deliver on USD 100 billion overdue in 2020 urgently, the need for doubling the collective provision of climate finance from 2019 levels by 2025, and the decision to set a new collective quantified climate finance goal from a floor of 100 billion have not been reflected despite the Group’s strong preference. Hence, we propose an additional paragraph addressing these issues.

86) We propose an additional paragraph on the importance of promoting socio-economic development in rural areas.

87) On Paragraph 100, we propose deletion of clean in order to align it with the 2030 Agenda target.

88) On Paragraph 101, we reiterate our previous proposal to take note of the establishment of the Global Crisis Response Group and propose additional language in line with the FFD outcome document. We also propose deletion of the reference to the first brief of the Group.

89) On Paragraph 102, we propose the deletion of ‘voluntary’

90) We propose an additional paragraph on the need to create conditions for decent work for all. We also propose the inclusion of a reference to the Global Accelerator on Jobs and Social Protection for Just Transitions. Our detailed proposal will be in our written inputs.

91) On Paragraph 105, we propose language on welcoming the appointment of the panel to finalise the Multi-Dimensional Vulnerability Index and encouraging the international community to consider multi-dimensional vulnerability as a criteria to access concessional finance. The proposal is based on the agreed language from the FFD Outcome Document.

92) On Paragraph 107, w proposal deletion of the reference to ‘the dangers and risks associated with illegal drugs’. Instead we propose additional language on the need to protect children from the illicit use of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances as defined in the relevant international treaties. We also propose deletion of the last sentence. Our detailed proposal is in our written inputs.

93) On Paragraph 108, we propose to add a reference to the need for adequate, predictable, and sustainable funding of the RC system.

94) We reiterate our previous proposal for the addition of a paragraph on the need to strengthening our social protection systems.

Our Roadmap for the Way Forward (Para 109-135)

95) On Paragraph 109, we propose the addition of desertification, drought and land degradation. We also propose the addition of ‘relevant’ before stakeholders.

96) On Para 110, we propose to refer to the OCA as a proposed concrete vision and basis for further consideration by Member States to accelerate implementation of agreed frameworks, including the 2030 Agenda.

97) On Paragraph 111, we propose its deletion as it is duplicative with Paragraph 40.

98) On Paragraph 114, we have the following proposals:

– On the Chapeau of the paragraph, we propose changing we are committed to ‘we will strive’. We also propose adding climate change, environmental degradation. We propose changing crises to challenges.
– On 114 a, we propose deletion of ‘with the aim’. We also propose the deletion of the latter part of the sentence, starting from ‘especially those that are especially vulnerable..’
– On 114 b, we propose deletion of ‘prevent over exploitation of natural resources’. We also propose changing ‘circular economy approaches’ to ‘sustainable economy approaches’.
– On 114 d, we propose deleting ‘both land and ocean-based marine litter’. Instead we propose that it read ‘plastic pollution, including in the marine environment and marine litter’
– We reiterate our proposal for deletion of 114 (f)

99) We propose the addition of an additional paragraph on the voluntary commitments by more than 100 Member States to conserve at least 30% of land and 30% of the global Ocean.

100) We reiterate our previous proposal for a 116-pre paragraph on investment in quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructure for the COVID-19 recovery and the achievement of sustainable development in its economic, social and environmental dimensions.

101) On Paragraph 116, we propose some additional language on support required for developing countries in project identification and mobilization of private and public investment.

102) On Paragraph 117, we propose a reference to voluntary channeling US$ 250 billion SDRs to all developing countries in need. We also propose the deletion of the reference to ‘vulnerable’ middle income countries, highlighting that this is not a multilaterally agreed classification and instead propose that it read middle income countries instead.

103) On 118, we propose that relevant UN actors and the Hub hold intergovernmental consultations on the format and modality of the stocktaking moment.

104) On Paragraph 119, we propose that we take note of the Quadrennial Secretary General’s report on the progress on the implementation of the New Urban Agenda.

105) On Paragraph 120, we propose to reaffirm our commitment to promote a universal, rules-based, open, non-discriminatory, equitable, transparent and predictable multilateral trading system.

106) The Group expresses its grave concern on the approach adopted for Paragraph 123. The Group had expressed its clear preference for the agreed language from the 2030 Agenda and from last years Ministerial Declaration. Yet, we note that our inputs were not taken into account. We stress that such an approach would not result in a consensual Ministerial Declaration. The Group emphasizes that Paragraph 123, as it stands, would not result in consensus. We reiterate our earlier proposed language, which is also verbatim Paragraphs 29 and 30 from last years Ministerial Declaration and also reiterate our earlier proposal to place these paragraphs in the Introduction Section.

107) On Paragraph 125, we propose on the fifth sub-bullet to add that any use of digital technologies must be compliant with all relevant national regulations.

108) On Paragraph 127, we propose replacing uncertainty with emergency.

109) On Paragraph 128, we propose adding a reference to looking forward to the convening of the second part of the Fifth UN Conference on LDCs, which will be held in Doha from 5-9 March 2023.

110) On Paragraph 129, we propose to split the paragraphs in order to have separate paragraphs on the Third UN Conference on LLDCs and the Fourth UN Conference for SIDS. Our detailed proposal is in our written inputs.

111) On Paragraph 131, we propose to add a reference to the first part of COP 15. We propose to take note with appreciation of UN@50. We also propose to simply take note of the outcome of Stockholm + 50. We propose deletion of transformational and addition the qualifiers of balanced, practical, effective, robust and transformative before the post-2020 Global Bio-Diversity Framework.

112) On paragraph 132, we propose to add the High Level Meeting of the General Assembly before the reference to the Mid-Term Review of the Sendai Framework.

© The Group of 77