General Comments

Distinguished Co-Facilitators,

1) I have the honor to deliver these remarks on the behalf of the Group of 77 and China.

2) At the outset, let me thank the co-facilitators for their efforts in preparing the First Rev. We note that some of the Groups inputs were taken on board, whilst some others we deem critical to this process were not taken on board.

3) However, considering the length of the document and the inclusion of new language in it, the Group believes that more time was required before these consultations in order to engage comprehensively with the text.

4) The Group would reiterate our previous request that delegations be provided more time to engage with the process and with each other going forward in order to ensure that we reach a consensus text.

5) Keeping the above in mind, the Group will only be providing its preliminary comments on the paragraphs today and not our final, detailed proposals. Our detailed proposals on the text will be provided in our subsequent written inputs.

6) Generally on the first Rev, the Group would again highlight the need to adhere to terminologies from multilaterally agreed UN documents, such as the 2030 Agenda, the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, the Paris Agreement under UNFCCC, and other major UN outcome documents in the economic, social and environmental fields throughout this text.

7) The Group also requests for clarity on the rationale for inclusion of Alt and Bis, Ter and Quat Paragraphs in the document.

Section I Introduction (Para 1-11)


8) On Para 2, the Group notes that some of our inputs have been taken on board. We would reiterate our request to include a reference to ‘leave no country behind’ and to ‘build a better future for all’.

9) On Para 3, the Group notes that our input for the inclusion of a reference to the Declaration on the Right to Development has not been included. We would highlight that currently Para 3 as it stands is verbatim Para 10 of the 2030 Agenda, without the inclusion of the reference to the Right to Development and reiterate our request for its inclusion.

10) Furthermore, the Group had proposed an additional paragraph elaborating on the right to development in our inputs and would reiterate our request for its inclusion.

11) On Para 4, we note that our proposal for placing the reference to the eradication of extreme poverty higher in the text has been partially taken on board and propose that it may be moved further up as Para 2 bis. We also reiterate that we should ‘remain gravely concerned’ on the increase in the global poverty rate rather than the current language which states ‘note with concern’.

12) On Paragraph 7, we note that the Groups proposal for inclusion of the UNFCC and the New Urban Agenda has not been taken on board and reiterate our request for their inclusion. We also propose the inclusion of the Convention on Biological Diversity.

13) On Paragraph 8, the group reiterates its request to remove the reference to the ‘triple planetary crises’. We also reiterate our proposal for the inclusion of a reference to desertification. Additional comments will be in our written inputs.

14) On Paragraph 9, the group would request for a Source for the language. The Group would also highlight that this Paragraph is duplicative of Paragraph 40 and would be proposing some streamlining in our written inputs.

15) On Paragraph 11 regarding the listing, the Group requests for the inclusion of a reference to ‘the specific challenges facing the Middle Income Countries’ and ‘countries and people under foreign occupation’, as also requested in our written inputs.

16) We note that our previous proposal for moving the reference to ‘removing the obstacles to the full realization of the right to self-determination of peoples living under colonial and foreign occupation’ to the Introduction Section as well as our proposal for moving the Paragraph on ‘reaffirming in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, the need to respect the territorial integrity and political independence of States’ have not been taken on board.

17) In this regard, the Group proposes the addition of Agreed language from last year’s Ministerial Declaration, specifically Paragraphs 29 and Paragraph 30 into the Introduction Section. The Group stresses it would not be able to accept the removal of language verbatim from the 2030 Agenda.

18) Moreover, we also note that our request for the inclusion of language on unilateral, economic, financial or trade measures, not in accordance with international law and the Charter of the United Nations that impede the full achievement of economic and social development, particularly in developing countries has not been included. We reiterate our request for this inclusion, highlighting that this is language verbatim from the 2030 Agenda.

Section II Impact of COVID-19 (Para 12-33)

19) On paragraph 12, we propose the deletion of the reference to people in vulnerable situations in the fourth line. We also propose changing ‘the elderly’ to ‘older persons’.

20) On paragraph 13, the group proposes the addition of resilient infrastructure, sustainable industrialization and innovation. The group also proposes removal of ‘eliminating’ before poverty, a reference to food insecurity and malnutrition rather than food security and a reference to climate change rather than only climate.

21) On paragraph 14, we propose the addition of the General Assembly before EOSOC.

22) On Paragraph 15, we note that the previous placeholder on Employment and Social Protection has been removed and that proposed language in our written inputs on Social Protection has not been included. We believe that the COVID-19 crisis has demonstrated the importance of Social Protection systems and reiterate our request for the inclusion of our proposal on it.

23) On Paragraph 16, we propose the inclusion of plants as the One Health approach strengthens synergies between the health of people, animals, plants and ecosystems. We will also be providing inputs for additional changes to the language in our written inputs.

24) On Paragraph 17, we propose the inclusion of evidence before science based in the first line. Our final inputs on this paragraph will be provided in our written inputs.

25) On Paragraph 18 we propose the inclusion of a reference to scaling up local and regional manufacturing and distribution capabilities.

26) On Paragraph 19, the Group proposes additional language on aiding developing in their efforts to meet national immunization requirements, improve national health systems and health infrastructure, and strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness and response, with a view to achieving universal health coverage.

27) On Paragraph 20bis, the Group will propose an Alt paragraph in our written inputs.

28) The Group also reiterates our request for the inclusion of an additional paragraph on the New Urban Agenda, as previously proposed in our previous inputs. We propose that it may be placed as 20 bis ter.

29) On paragraph 21, we propose the addition of volunteers ahead of frontline workers.

30) On Paragraph 22, the Group has the following remarks:

o On Paragraph 22 (b) the Group proposes the addition of socio-economic impacts.
o On Paragraph 22 (c), the Group proposes alternative language with regards to TRIPs flexibilities, based on UNGA resolution 76/257 highlighting the right to use, to the fullest extent, the provision contained in the WTO TRIPS Agreement and the WTO Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health. Our detailed proposal will be in our written inputs.
o On Paragraph 22 (f), the Group proposes replacing primary health systems with primary healthcare. Our additional inputs on this paragraph will be in our written inputs.

31) The Group reiterates the request for inclusion of language related to migrants. We propose it be included as Para 22 bis and our detailed language proposal will be in our written inputs.

32) On Paragraph 23 we propose the inclusion of a reference to ‘increase in food prices’ after global value and supply chains.

33) On Paragraph 24, we note that our inputs have been partly incorporated. However, we reiterate the Groups preference for the language previously provided in our written inputs and will be proposing an Alt in our written submission.

34) The Group had also proposed the inclusion of a reference to Foreign Direct Investment in our written inputs. Keeping in mind the importance of FDI and the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on FDI flows, we request for its inclusion as a Para 27 bis. Our detailed proposal will be in our written inputs.

Section III Goals under in depth Review and VNRs (Para 28-30 bis)

35) Generally, on this section, the Group emphasizes that all of the SDGs under in depth review are equally important.

36) On Paragraph 28, the Group requests the inclusion of a reference appreciating the Group of Friends of the VNRs.

37) On Paragraph 29, the Group will provide its proposal in our written inputs.

SDG 4 (Para 31 – 49)

38) The Group proposes a chapeau Paragraph as 31-pre reaffirming our commitment to SDG 4. We will also be proposing such a chapeau paragraph on all the SDGs under in-depth review. Our detailed proposal will be on our written inputs.

39) On Para 31, the Group proposes the inclusion of a reference to ‘the gender digital divide’ after digital divides.

40) On Paragraph 32, the Group proposes changing inequality to inequalities.

41) On Paragraph 33, the Group proposes adding non-discriminatory before integrated and deletion of the last line ‘and without any discrimination’.

42) On Paragraph 34, we request for a source for the language. We also propose changing ‘call for scaling up’ to ‘aim to scale up’, the addition of ‘access to’ before quality education and the addition of children and youth living in rural and remote areas.

43) On Paragraph 35, the Group requests for source for the language in the first two sentences of the paragraph. We also propose the inclusion of stronger language on financing for education and closing the widening gap between resources and requirements in developing countries. Our complete detailed proposals on this Paragraph will be provided in our written inputs.

44) On Paragraph 36, the Group proposes a reference to children living in extreme poverty. The Group requests for a Source on the reference to committing to 12 years of quality education for all girls. Additional proposals on this paragraph will be provided in our written inputs.

45) On Paragraph 38, the Group proposes the inclusion of a reference to the importance of the Transforming Education being inclusive and country led. Additional language with regards Paragraph 38 will be provided in our written inputs.

46) On the first line of Paragraph 38 bis, the Group proposes that it may be changed to ‘We call on Member States in collaboration with other key education stakeholders’. Additional comments on Paragraph 38 bis will be provided in our written inputs.

SDG 5 (Para 40-51)

47) In line with our previous comments, the Group proposes that this Section start with a chapeau Paragraph reaffirming our commitment to SDG 5. Hence, we propose that Paragraph 40 be split up into 40 and 40 bis. Our detailed proposal will be in our written inputs.

48) On Paragraphs 41, the Group requests for its source. The Group will provide its position on this Paragraph in our written inputs.

49) On Paragraph 42, the Group will provide its position on this Paragraph in our written inputs.

50) On Paragraph 44, the Group will provide its position in our written inputs.

51) On Paragraph 45, the Group will provide its position in our written inputs.

52) On Paragraph 46, the Group requests for the source of the language. The Group will provide its position in our written inputs.

53) On Paragraph 47, the Group will provide its position in our written inputs.

54) On Paragraph 48, the group proposes the inclusion of a reference to eradication of poverty in all its forms and dimensions. We also propose the inclusion of a reference to recognizing the importance of ensuring women’s access to and ownership of natural and economic resources, including land and water and access to financial services. Our detailed proposal will be in our written inputs.

55) On Paragraph 51, the Group will provide its position in our written inputs.

SDG 14 (Para 52-65)

56) On Paragraph 53, the Group proposes chancing precautionary principle to precautionary approach. We also propose changing ‘preserve’ to ‘conserve’. We propose the addition of language on ‘in light of national circumstances, needs and priorities’.

57) On Paragraph 54, we propose the addition of a sentence ‘as recalled in Paragraph 158 of the Future We Want’.

58) On Paragraph 55, we propose the addition of language on the decline of coral reefs. Our additional comments on this Paragraph will be provided in our written inputs.

59) On Paragraph 57, we propose the addition of ‘including by setting new timelines, taking into account unique circumstances’ in the last line. Our final proposal will be in our written inputs.

60) On Paragraph 60, the Group proposes the deletion of the reference to climate change mitigation strategies. We also propose the inclusion of a reference to ‘environmentally sound waste management’. The Group will also propose additional proposals in our written inputs.

61) On Paragraph 62, the Group proposes the deletion of the reference of the Fifth IGN being the ‘final’ IGN. We will also propose additional language in our written inputs.

62) On Paragraph 63, the Group will be proposing language in our written inputs.

63) On Paragraph 63bis, the Group proposes the deletion of the reference to the Ocean Climate nexus.

64) On Paragraph 63ter, the Group will be proposing additional language on small scale aquatic producers and the need to increase support to sustainable small-scale fisheries. Our detailed proposal will be in our written inputs

65) On Paragraph 63quat, the group reiterates the request for the inclusion of our proposal on additional language in this paragraph on the urgency to protect, restore and sustainably manage aquatic ecosystems, including through nature-based solutions ,ecosystem-based approaches, among other approaches, in integrated coastal zone management to prevent pollution at its source, reduce the risk, impacts, and costs of disasters, and build adaptive capacity and resilience to advance the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda.

66) On Paragraph 64 we propose the addition of reference to UNEA 5.2

SDG 15 (Para 66-80)

67) The Group proposes an addition of ‘our prosperity and planet’ to the end of Paragraph 66.

68) On Paragraph 69, the Group will provide its comments in our written inputs.

69) On Paragraph 70, the Group proposes the addition of a reference to the impacts of deforestation, desertification and drought being felt most strongly by developing countries.

70) On paragraph 71, we propose the deletion of the second sentence in the paragraph.

71) On Paragraph 72, the Group proposes additional language on soft and hard limits on adaptation. Our detailed proposal will be in our written inputs.

72) On Paragraph 73, our detailed proposal will be in our written inputs.

73) On Paragraph 74, the Group proposes the deletion of the word practicality.

74) On Paragraph 75, the Group proposes that we welcome the convening of the First Part of COP 15 and take note with appreciation of the Kunming Declaration. We will also propose additional language in our written inputs. (G77 and China Written Inputs to the Zero Draft, Para 83 bis)

75) On Paragraphs 80 and 80 Alt, the Group expresses its strong preference for the language contained in 80 Alt and would like to see its retention in the second Rev as it comprehensively addresses the need for provision of means of implementation to developing countries.

SDG 17 (Para 81-92)

76) On Paragraph 81, the Group proposes that it may be split up into two, in line with our comments on previous SDGs.

77) The Group proposes an additional Paragraph, 82 bis, on the urgent need to develop measurements of progress on sustainable development that complement or go beyond GDP in order to have a more inclusive and holistic approach reflecting all kinds of vulnerabilities and to inform access to international cooperation and concessional finance.

78) On Paragraph 83, the Group will provide additional language in our written inputs.

79) On Paragraph 84, the Group will provide its proposal in our written input.

80) On Paragraph 86, the Group proposes the addition of reference to increased inequality and digital gaps.

81) On Paragraph 87, the Group proposes the inclusion of language on South-South Cooperation as a complement to and not a substitute for North-South Cooperation, in line with previous agreed language. We also reiterate our proposal for the inclusion of additional language on inviting all relevant stakeholders to share their knowledge and experience, particularly homegrown development approaches, as well as good practices, in order to intensify efforts towards the eradication of poverty. Our detailed proposal will be in our written inputs.

82) On Paragraph 89, the Group had proposed its deletion in our original inputs and reiterates that request. We will be providing an Alt Paragraph in our written inputs on the need for development partners to scale up and fulfill their ODA commitments to achieve the target of 0.7 per cent of gross national income for official development assistance (ODA/GNI) and 0.15 to 0.20 per cent of ODA/GNI to the least developed countries.

83) On Paragraph 90, the Group will provide additions in our written inputs, including the inclusion of a reference to food security and nutrition.

84) We will also propose an additional paragraph on the importance of taking targeted measures to eradicate poverty in all its forms and dimensions everywhere, including extreme poverty, with enhanced international support and strengthened global partnerships in our written inputs

85) On Paragraph 92, we propose that financial inclusion is a tool for not only reducing poverty, but also ending hunger, protecting human health and promoting sustainable deve3lopment and will propose language in our written inputs.

86) We will also reiterate our proposal for the inclusion of a reference to the role of MSMEs in contributing to SDG implementation. We propose that it may be included as 92bis.

Other Priority Issues

87) On Paragraph 94, the Group requests for the source of the language in the paragraph. Our position will be provided in our written inputs.

88) On Paragraph 95, the Group proposes that the paragraph be split into two and will be proposing some additional language in this paragraph. We reiterate the proposal from our written input to move the reference to the Glasgow Climate Pact above, where there is a reference to implementing the outcomes of COP 26. We will also be providing additional inputs on this paragraph, including on the first sentence, in our written inputs.

89) On Paragraph 96 and 96 Alt, the Group expresses its strong preference for Paragraph 96 and would like to see its retention. We also propose the inclusion of a reference to the need for developed countries Parties to at least double their collective provision of climate finance for adaptation to developing country Parties from 2019 levels by 2025. We also propose to change ‘by 2024’ to ‘prior to 2025’.

90) On Paragraph 97, the Group proposes the inclusion of a reference to ‘climate change objectives’ rather than only ‘climate objectives’.

91) On Paragraph 98, the Group will provide its proposals in our written inputs:

92) On Paragraph 99, the Group will provide its proposals in our written inputs

93) On Paragraph 100, we propose that it may be moved up as 89 bis.

94) On Paragraph 102, the Group will provide its position in our written inputs.

95) On Paragraph 104, the Group will provide its proposal in our written inputs.

96) On Paragraph 105, the Group reiterates our proposal to take note of rather than welcome the Youth 2030 strategy. The Group also proposes the addition of ‘as appropriate’ after system wide implementation. Additional proposals on this paragraph will be provided in our written inputs.

97) On Paragraph 106, we propose that the paragraph stop at children affected by armed conflict and propose the deletion of the remaining paragraph.

98) On Paragraph 108, we propose to change ‘reformed’ to ‘repositioned’. Our complete proposals will be in our written inputs.

Our Roadmap for the Way Forward (Para 109-135)

99) On Paragraph 109, we propose the deletion of the reference to triple planetary crisis and instead propose a reference to the crises of climate change, desertification, biodiversity loss and pollution.

100) On Para 110, we reiterate our proposal to take note of rather than welcome the Our Common Agenda report rather than welcome it. We also reiterate our proposal to refer to it as a proposed vision rather than a concrete vision. The final position and proposals of the Group on this paragraph, including on the reference to the biennial summit will be in our written inputs.

101) On Paragraph 11, we propose to change vision and goals to implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the achievements of its SDGs.

102) On Paragraph 113, we propose changing climate and environment responsive to sustainable and responsive approach. We also propose the inclusion of a reference to countries unique national circumstances. The final proposal of the group will be in our written inputs.

103) On Paragraph 114, we propose the following:

o On the Chapeau of the paragraph, we will provide our proposals in our written inputs.
o On 114 a, we propose that it may read ‘in line with Paris Agreement and other relevant decisions, including the Glasgow Climate Pact’.
o On 114 b, we reiterate our original proposal to stop at prevent exploitation.
o On 114 d, we propose the inclusion of a reference to global efforts in addition to national and regional. We also propose the inclusion of language on increasing funding for financial and technical cooperation to combat litter before it reaches terrestrial and marine environments.
o Our position on 114 f will be in our written inputs.
o We also propose the inclusion of a reference to strengthening the role of UNEP. Our detailed proposal will be in our written input.

104) We propose the addition of an additional paragraph as 116 pre on the importance of investment in quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructure for both COVID-19 recovery and the achievement of sustainable development in its economic, social and environmental dimensions. G77 and China Written Inputs to the Zero Draft, Para 121 bis)

105) On Paragraph 117, we reiterate our proposal for a reference to the voluntary channeling of at least 250 billion SDRs to all developing countries in need. We also reiterate our proposal for the deletion of the world ‘vulnerable’ before middle-income countries.

106) On Paragraph 118, we will propose the inclusion of a reference to the Un Food Systems Coordination Hub as well as to the Stock-Taking moment in 2023. Our detailed proposal will be in our written inputs.

107) On Paragraph 119, we propose the inclusion of a reference to the establishment of the African Continental Free Trade Area as also proposed in our previous inputs. We will also propose additional language on food security and nutrition, reduce food loss and waste and promote a more efficient, inclusive, resilient and sustainable agriculture and food systems in our written inputs.

108) The Group also reiterates our proposal for the addition of a paragraph on the need for enhanced representation and voice for developing countries in decision-making in global international economic and financial institutions.

109) On Paragraph 121, we request for the Source of the language in the paragraph. The Groups inputs on this will be in our written inputs.

110) On Paragraph 122, the position of the Group will be in our written inputs.

111) On Paragraphs 123 and 123 Alt, the Group expresses its strong preference for Paragraph 123 and proposes that it be moved up to the Introduction Section as highlighted in our previous intervention for the Introduction Section.

112) On Paragraph 125, the Group will provide its proposals in our written inputs

113) On Paragraph 127, the Group requests for its Source.

114) On Paragraph 129, we will propose additional language in our written inputs on the decision to be taken on the organizational aspects.

115) On Paragraph 132, the Group will provide final proposal in our written inputs.

116) On Paragraph 133, the Group will provide slight amendments in our written inputs.

117) In conclusion, the interventions today are not the final inputs of the Group on the First Rev and our final detailed proposals will be provided in our writt

© The Group of 77