Distinguished Co-Facilitators,
1) I have the honor to deliver these remarks on the behalf of the Group of 77 and China.
2) At the outset, let me thank the co-facilitators for their efforts in the preparation of the outline.
3) The Group believes that the current outline needs to be further strengthened and streamlined.
4) The Group has organized its comments in two parts, first on the structure and second on the substance.
5) Our detailed proposals for the written inputs for the Zero draft will be shared later.
6) First, on the proposed structure, we note that there is no separate section for ‘Other Priority Issues’ as proposed in our submission for the draft outline.
7) The Group would like to see the inclusion of such a section in the Ministerial Declaration in order to highlight priority issues, which are not covered elsewhere.
Co- facilitators,
8) Second, on the substance, our general comments are that the language of the previous HLPF Ministerial Declarations should be used as the basis for 2022 HLPF Ministerial Declaration.
9) Terminologies from multilaterally agreed UN documents such as the 2030 Agenda, Paris Agreement under UNFCCC and Addis Ababa Action Agenda must be used.
10) Integrated, indivisible and universal nature of the 2030 Agenda makes it essential that we pay attention to all of the goals.
11) On Section I, we would emphasize that, in addition to the elements highlighted in the draft outline, the following additional elements must be included:
– Eradicating poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty, lies at the heart of the 2030 Agenda.
– Unilateral economic, financial or trade measures that are inconsistent with the principles of international law and the charter of the United Nations are contrary to the achievement of the spirit of 2030 agenda to leave “no one behind”.
– The reiteration and reaffirmation that the implementation and the follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda must include and address the severe difficulties faced by countries and peoples living under colonial and foreign occupation and strive to remove the obstacles to the full realization of their right to self-determination and right to development, which adversely affect their economic and social development.
– The reaffirmation, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, the need to respect the territorial integrity and political independence of States.
– Reiterate the need to continue to respect the basic principles of the multilateral trading system under the World Trade Organization that is universal, rules-based, open, non-discriminatory, and equitable.
12) On Section II, the Group notes with appreciation the reference to addressing the needs of countries in special situations, LDCs, LLDCs, SIDs, African countries and the specific challenges of middle income countries in the draft outline and look forward to concrete proposals in this regards.
13) We would also emphasize the need to consider the challenges facing conflict and post-conflict countries and countries and people under foreign occupation as well.
14) We also need to include the following elements in Section-II:
– The need for timely, affordable and equitable access to safe, quality, efficacious, effective, COVID-19 vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics for all including enhancing global, local and regional productive capacities through the promotion of technology transfer and know-how.
– Strengthening of health systems and public health infrastructure to save lives, livelihoods and to bolster global economic recovery.
– Ensuring the stability of global supply chains of raw materials and unfettered flow of trade.
– Universal Access to Health Coverage and Social Protection.
15) We would also emphasize the need to further streamline this section in order to avoid repetition and overlap on some issues between Section II and Section III of the outline.
16) With regards to Section III, we reiterate that the focus should be on identifying gaps, challenges and solutions in one paragraph for each SDG under review.
17) With regards to Section IV on the Way Forward, we would emphasize the need for concrete actions to address the SDG financing gap including:
– Fulfillment of the 0.7% ODA target.
– Fulfillment of the overdue commitment by developed countries to jointly mobilize US$ 100 billion per year by 2020 for climate finance.
– Enhanced commitments for annual climate finance from the floor of $100 billion goal in the new Collective Quantified Goal on Climate Finance by 2024 taking into account the needs and priorities of developing countries
– Rechanneling of unutilized SDRs at least of US$250 billion by countries with strong external positions to the developing countries in need.
– Strengthening the international financial architecture for long-term debt sustainability.
– Scaling up of Private and public financing as well as international cooperation, to catalyze investments in quality and resilient infrastructure that will help to achieve the 2030 Agenda.
18) Lastly, we would highlight the following other priority issues which we believe must be included in the Ministerial Declaration:
– Combating Climate Change in line with the principles of Equity and CBDR-RC and historic responsibilities.
– The relevance of guaranteeing inclusivity, dignity and safety for migrants and refugees particularly during crisis such as COVID-19 pandemic.
– Bridging the digital divide while addressing structural issues.
– Disaster risk reduction.
– Promoting investments in sustainable, resilient, and quality infrastructure.
– Ensure access to affordable, reliable, and sustainable energy for all.
– Combating illicit financial flows and recovery and return of stolen assets.
– Promote economic diversification in commodity-dependent developing countries in line with their national priorities and circumstances.
– Sustainable tourism and strengthening the response and recovery measures of the tourism sector in the Covid-19 context.
– Availability and Sustainable Management of Water and Sanitation for all

© The Group of 77