INT/17/K13 –Effective microorganisms: production and application in agriculture, postharvest fruit and animal husbandry.

Submitter: Cuban Research Institute on Sugarcane By-Products (ICIDCA), based in Havana, Cuba.
Subcontractor: Same as above.
Priority area: Food and agriculture.
Participating/beneficiary countries: 3 countries (Argentina, Cuba and Mexico).
PGTF input: US$ 27,000.
Other inputs: US$ 38,000.
Number: INT/17/K13.
Duration: 2018-2019.
Approval: 40th Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 23 September 2016).
Completion: Final report submitted on 30 May 2019.
Impact:: The project evaluated the application of several microbial strains as effective microorganisms (EM) to demonstrate how EM could enhance the productivity of agricultural and animal husbandry in order to decrease the use of agrochemicals, thereby contributing to sustainable agriculture and food security.

Contact:  Contact person: Georgina Michelena Alvarez.
Address: Vía Blanca #804 y Carretera Central, San Miguel del Padre, Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba.
Tel.: (537)6967015, 6986501 ext. 230.
Fax: (537)6988243.
Email: georgina.michelena @

Final Report:

INT/17/K10 – A Proposal to Improve the Practically Diagnostic Capacities and Increased Awareness of a Group of Abortive Diseases and Neonatal deaths in Cattle, Sheep and Goats, in Egypt, Algeria, Tunisia, Turkey, Afghanistan, Palestine and Jordan

Submitter: Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST), based in Irbid, Jordan.
Subcontractor: Same as above.
Priority area: Food and agriculture.
Participating/beneficiary countries: 7 countries (Afghanistan, Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Palestine, Tunisia, and Turkey).
PGTF input: US$ 35,000.
Other inputs: US$ 35,000.
Number: INT/17/K10.
Duration: 2018.
Approval: 40th Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 23 September 2016).
Completion: Final report submitted on 20 July 2018.
Impact: A regional workshop brought together farmers, veterinarians, students and other stakeholders from the Middle East and North Africa region to exchange information and share expertise on animal diseases with special emphasis on abortive and neonatal deaths, as well as knowledge of new diagnostic techniques and approaches to control these costly diseases in the region.

Contact:  Contact person: Prof. Nabil Q. Hailat, Professor of Pathology and Public Health
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Jordan University of Science and Technology
PO Box (3030)
Irbid 22110-Jordan
Tel.: +962-2-7201000, x 22016
Fax: +962-2-7095117
Email: hailatn @

Final Report:

INT/16/K01 – A proposal to improve the diagnostic capacities of �Peste Des Petits Ruminants� (PPR), enhance the vaccination and control strategies with special emphasis on farmers education and awareness in Egypt, Algeria, the State of Palestine and Jordan

Submitter: Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Jordan University of Science and Technology, based in Irbid, Jordan.
Subcontractor: �Same as above.
Priority area: Technical cooperation among developing countries.
Participating/beneficiary countries: : 4 countries (Algeria, Egypt, Jordan and Palestine).
PGTF input: US$ 32,000.
Other inputs: US$ 32,00.
Number: INT/16/K01.
Duration: 2016-2017.
Approval: 39th Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 24 September 2015).
Completion: Final report submitted on 20 September 2017.
Impact:� A regional workshop took place with the particpation of farmers and key scientists from universities and governments of the participating countries which discussed various aspects of Peste Des Petits Ruminants, sharing perspectives and gaining valuable information on control of this transboundary animal disease problem. The workshop proposed a list of key issues for addressing this serious problem, including: education of farmers about clinicopathologic signs of disease for immediate reporting (passive surveillance); increasing emphasis on disease reporting (passive surveillance) as opposed to active surveillance (serologic testing); importance of sequencing isolates for variation and lineage testing; and establishment of OIE reference laboratory within or close to MENA region.

Contact:  Contact person: Prof. Nabil Q. Hailat, Professor of Pathology and Public Health
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Jordan University of Science and Technology
PO Box (3030)
Irbid 22110-Jordan
Tel.: +962-2-7201000, x 22016
Fax: +962-2-7095117
Email: hailatn @

Final Report:

INT/15/K02 – Improving of recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) performance in Viet Nam and Sri Lanka

Submitter: Freshwater Fisheries Research Center under the Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, based in Jiangsu, China
Subcontractor: Same as above.
Priority area: Food and agriculture.
Participating/beneficiary countries: 3 countries (China, Sri Lanka and Viet Nam).
PGTF input: US$ 35,000.
Other inputs: US$ 46,000.
Number: INT/15/K02.
Duration: 2018.
Approval: 38th Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 26 September 2014).
Completion: Final report submitted on 2 January 2019
Impact:A mission composed of five experts from China visited and surveyed farms, hatcheries, experimental stations, fish markets and other locations in Sri Lanka and Viet Nam and held meeting with local stakeholders to exchange information and provided technical presentations about recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) for reusing water in farming fish or other aquatic organisms.

Contact:  Contact person: Mr. YUAN Xinhua
Address: No. 9 Eest Shanshui Rd., Wuxi, Jiangsu, P.R.China
Tel.: +86-510-85555796, +86-13961796116
Fax: +86-510-85555796, 85553304
Email: yuanxh @ | yuanxh @


Final Report:

INT/14/K09 –Promotion of indigenous pig and chicken breeds in Fiji, Niue and Cook Islands through marketing and consumption

Submitter:CIFAL � Secretariat of the Pacific Community, based in Suva, Fiji.
Subcontractor: �Same as above.
Priority area: Food and agriculture.
Participating/beneficiary countries: 3 countries (Cook Islands, Fiji and Niue).
PGTF input: US$ 35,000.
Other inputs: US$ 100,000.
Number: INT/14/K09.
Duration: 2016-2017.
Approval: 37th Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 26 September 2013).
Completion: Final report submitted on 8 February 2018.
Impact: Workshops and field visits were conducted to pig and poultry farms as well as conservation centers in the three participating Pacific island countries to raise awareness and undertake breeding programs to conserve and sustainably manage the indigenous genetic resources of native pig and poultry breeds at risk of becoming extinct in light of the impacts of climate change and other threats.


Focal contacts:

Dr. Ken Cokanasiga, Acting Deputy Director Land Resources Division, Trade and Agribusiness Programme, Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC)
Email: kenc @

Mr. Nichol Nonga, Animal Production Officer, Land Resources Division, Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC)
Email: nicholn @

Mr. Andrew Tukana, Animal Production and Extension Officer, Land Resources Division, the Pacific Community (SPC)
Email: andrewt @

Final Report:

INT/14/K03 – Production and application of bio-products in cultures of economic importance Workshop on Capacity Building on Value Chain Analysis for Agribusiness

Submitter: Islamic Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture (ICCIA), based in Karachi, Pakistan.
Subcontractor: same as above.
Priority area: Food and agriculture.
Participating/beneficiary countries: 16 member countries of the OIC (Bangladesh, Indonesia, Islamic Republic of Iran, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, Libya, Nigeria, Pakistan, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Turkey and Uganda).
PGTF input: US$ 35,000.
Other inputs: US$ 35,000.
Number: INT/14/K03.
Duration: Three (3) days.
Approval: 37th Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 28 September 2013).
Completion: Final report submitted in February 2015. An unspent balance of US$ 3,400 reverted to PGTF.
Impact: Organized workshop on capacity building on value chain analysis for agribusiness attended by participants from 16 countries, representing all regions of the OIC, as well other institutions. The purpose of the workshop was to discuss best practices among farmers, including the value chain concept, creating off-farm employment, helping stabilize local markets, improving hygienic standards and facilitating market access.

Contact:  Mrs. Attiya Nawazish Ali, Assistant Secretary General, ICCIA
Address: ST.1/A, Block 9, KDA Scheme 5, Clifton, P.O. Box 3831, Karachi-75600, Pakistan
Telephone: 009221-35874212 / 35870765
Email: icci @; icciaoic @


Final Report:

NT/14/K01 – Enhancing the Preparedness and Awareness of the Concerned Governmental Authorities and Farmers on the Spread and Control of Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) in Egypt, Algeria, Palestine and Jordan

Submitter: Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST), based in Irbid, Jordan.
Subcontractor: �Same as above.
Priority area: Food and agriculture.
Participating/beneficiary countries: 6 countries (Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, State of Palestine and Turkey).
PGTF input: US$ 35,000.
Other inputs: US$ 35,000.
Number: INT/14/K01.
Duration: 2016.
Approval: 37th Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 28 September 2012).
Completion: Final report submitted on 11 July 2016
Impact:24 four scientists from universities and governments gathered in Irbid, Jordan to present and discuss various aspects of Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) Epidemiology, Pathology and its control in the region. Through scientific presentations, different videos, and targeted discussion sessions, they gained valuable information on the prevention and control of this important animal health problem.

Contact:  Nabil Hailat, DVM, PhD.
Jordan University of Science and Technology
Irbid, Jordan
Phone: 00962-795885219
Email: hailatn @

Final Report:

INT/13/K02 – Improving the diagnostics capacities of Brucellosis disease, enhance the vaccination and control strategies with special emphasis on farmers’ awareness

Submitter: Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST), based in Irbid, Jordan.
Subcontractor: same as above.
Priority area: Food and Agriculture.
Participating/beneficiary countries: 5 countries (Afghanistan, Algeria, Egypt, Jordan and Palestine).
PGTF input: US$ 33,000.
Other inputs: US$ 35,000.
Number: INT/13/K02.
Duration: Ten (10) months.
Approval: 36th Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 28 September 2012).
Completion:Final report submitted on 5 February 2015.
Impact: 44 scientists from universities and governments of Afghanistan, Algeria, Egypt, Jordan and the State of Palestine discussed various aspects of brucellosis control in the region.� Through scientific presentations, laboratory and targeted discussion sessions, they gained valuable information, which aided in the compilation of a list of specific changes or approaches in their brucellosis control programs, as well as the development of a consensus plan on the greatest needs for the region.

Contact:  Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST)
P.O.Box 3030, Irbid 22110, Jordan
Tel. : + 962 (0) 2 7201000
Fax : + 962 (0) 2 7095123
Email: public @


Final Report:

INT/12/K08 – Technical extension and application of sustainable aquaculture in Namibia and Mozambique

Submitter: Freshwater Fisheries Research Center under the Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, based in Jiangsu, China.
Subcontractor: same as above.
Priority area: Food and agriculture.
Participating/beneficiary countries: 3 countries (China, Mozambique and Namibia).
PGTF input: US$ 23,000.
Other inputs: US$ 67,500.
Number: INT/12/K08.
Duration: Twelve (12) months.
Approval: 35th Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 23 September 2011).
Completion: Final report submitted in June 2014.
Impact: Five aquaculture experts from the People’s Republic of China carried out on-site technical extension, training and consultation in Mozambique and Namibia. The project included lectures, case studies, simple lab work, demonstrations, outdoor practices, a workshop on future cooperation and the distribution of 7 reference books to facilitate training. Contributions were made to local aquaculture development by understanding the real needs of the participating countries, improved knowledge of local fish farmers and technicians on scientific fish farming, increased confidence of the managerial authorities to strengthen support on aquaculture, and enabled modes of future cooperation in fishery research, business and trading.

Contact:  Contact person: Mr. YUAN Xinhua
Address: No. 9 West Shanshui Rd., Wuxi, Jiangsu, P.R.China
Telephone: +86-510-85555796, +86-13961796116
Fax: +86-510-85555796, 85553304
Email: yuanxh @, yuanxh @

Final Report:

INT/12/K01 – Strengthening and promotion of Latin American and the Caribbean cooperation in the area of agriculture and food security

Submitter: Permanent Secretariat of the Latin American Economic System (SELA), based in Caracas, Venezuela
Subcontractor: not required
Priority area: Food and Agriculture
Participating/beneficiary countries: 28 member countries of SELA (Argentina, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Chile, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay, and Venezuela)
PGTF input: US$ 26,000
Other inputs: US$ 40,000
Number: INT/12/K01
Duration: Twelve (12) months
Approval: 35th Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 23 September 2011)
Completion: Final report submitted 6 December 2012.
Impact:: A meeting attended by representatives from Latin America and Caribbean countries; as well as regional development organizations and banks; various UN programmes, funds and organizations; stressed the importance of improving food security in the region. Opportunities for cooperation were identified aimed at promoting food security through the exchange of information and experiences, as well as by enhancing coordination, synergy and facilitating the systematization of cooperation for food security.

Contact:  Antonio Romero, Director of Relations for Integration and Cooperation
Javier Gordon Ruiz, Coordinator of Cooperation Projects
Address: Av. Francisco de Miranda, Torre Europa, 4th floor, Campo Alegre, Caracas 1060, Venezuela.
Telephone: 58-212-9557111 / 9557121 / 9557137
Fax: 58-212-9515292 / 9516901
E-mails: aromero @ and jgordon @

Final Report:

INT/11/K07 – A proposal to enhance the capacity building/development on the effect of climate change in animal health issue with special reference to bluetongue disease in Egypt, Algeria, Palestine and Jordan

Submitter: Jordan University for Science and Technology, based in Irbid, Jordan
Subcontractor: same as above
Priority area: Food and Agriculture
Participating/beneficiary countries: 4 countries (Algeria, Egypt, Jordan and Palestine)
PGTF input: US$ 36,000
Other inputs: US$ 45,000
Number: INT/11/K07
Duration: Ten (10) months
Approval: 34th Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 28 September 2010)
Completion: Final report submitted on 10 July 2013.
Impact:: A three-day consultation workshop where members of government, scientists, veterinarians, students and farmers of Algeria, Egypt, Jordan and Palestine enhanced their awareness of the effects of climate change on animal diseases, especially of Bluetongue disease, that affect livestock. Capacity to combat the disease was increased through adequate training in new diagnostic techniques, expertise-sharing, the exchange of climate status information and prevalence of the disease in the region, as well as through better knowledge of transmission processes and appropriate control measures.

Contact:  Contact person: Prof. Nabil Q Hailat
Address: Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Jordan University of Science and Technology
PO Box (3030), Irbid 22110- Jordan
Telephone: +962-7-95885210 – Office: 962-2-7201000 ext 22026 and 22016
Fax: +0622-2-7095117; +062-2-7095123; Email: hailatn @

Final Report:

INT/11/K04 – Production and application of bio-products in cultures of economic importance

Submitter: Cuban Research Institute on Sugar Cane by-Products (ICIDCA), based in Havana, Cuba
Subcontractor: not required
Priority area: Food and Agriculture
Participating/beneficiary countries: 4 countries (Argentina, Brazil, Cuba and Mexico)
PGTF input: US$34,000
Other inputs: US$90,000
Number: INT/11/K04
Duration: Two (2) years
Approval: 34th Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 28 September 2010)
Completion: Final report submitted on 13 April 2015.
Impact:: Research collaboration among institutions in Argentina, Brazil, Cuba and Mexico which used natural compounds and bio-products to discover ecologically and environmentally safer products for plant protection in agricultural production. Through its findings, this project seeks to reinforce the viability of small farmers by increasing incomes through the achievement of higher productivity, with the added benefit of enlarging organic productions and decrease or eliminate agro-chemicals for environmentally friendly agriculture.

Contact:  Georgina Michelena Alvarez
Via Blanca #804 y Carretera Central
San Miguel del Padr�n
Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba
Telephone: (537) 6967015, 6986501 ext. 230
Fax: (537) 698 8243
Email: georgina.michelena @

Final Report:

INT/09/K11 – TCDC/ECDC facilitation e-center of bamboo

Submitter: China National Bamboo Research Center (CBRC), based in Hangzhou, China
Subcontractor: same as above
Priority area: Food and agriculture
Participating/beneficiary countries: 8 countries (China, Colombia, Fiji, Ghana, India, Nigeria, Philippines, and Uganda)
PGTF input: US$ 37,000
Other inputs: US$ 62,000
Number: INT/09/K11
Duration: Twelve (12) months
Approval: 32nd Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 26 September 2008)
Completion: Supported strengthening and dissemination of bamboo technology and development knowledge among stakeholders in China and developing countries through the production of five training e-books; the establishment of regional technology training E-Centers; and the formation of cooperation networks between institutions in bamboo-growing countries to enhance bamboo development.

Contact:  Contact person: Dr. & Prof. Ding Xingcui
Address: No. 310, Weny Rd., Hangzhou, 310012, Zhejiang, China
Tel/Fax: +86 571-88869217
Email: cbrc @


Final Report:

INT/09/K10 – Regional Cooperation on Edible Mushroom Technology

Submitter: Asia Pacific Edible Mushroom Training Center (APEMTC), based in Fuzhou, Fujian province, China
Subcontractor: not required
Priority area:
Participating/beneficiary countries: 3 countries (China, Philippines and Viet Nam)
PGTF input: US$34,000
Other inputs: US$56,000
Duration: Twelve (12) months
Approval: 32nd Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 26 September 2008)
Completion: Final report submitted in August 2014.
Impact:: Organized two training courses in the Philippines and Viet Nam to improve trainees� cultivation methods and awareness of developments of the edible mushroom industry. The training courses covered theories, practical inspection and field guides. Through the collection of data on mushroom field species from China, the Philippines and Viet Nam, the project also established an open consultant network on edible mushrooms, covering scientific research, commercial production and trade.

Contact:  Contact person: Mr. Liu Hong Mr. Tu Jinfu
Address: Asia Pacific Edible Mushroom Training Center 9F, Shanhai Building, 192# Guping Road
Fuzhou, Fujian
P.R. China
Zip: 350003
Telephone: 0086-591 -878 14794
Fax: 0086-591 -878 14794
Email: lh73 @ | apemtc @

Final Report:

INT/09/K09 – Promotion dairy technical and economic cooperation between China and Africa through value-added functional dairy products

Submitter: South-South Biological Technology Center, based in Beijing, China
Subcontractor: same as above
Priority area: Food and agriculture
Participating/beneficiary countries: 4 countries (China, Kenya, South Africa and Tanzania)
PGTF input: US$ 35,000
Other inputs: US$ 92,460
Number: INT/09/K09
Duration: Twelve (12) months
Approval: 32nd Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 26 September 2008)
Completion: The promotion of the dairy industry in China and Africa was facilitated by understanding the situation the dairy industry faces in Kenya, Tanzania and South Africa through a study group of experts and government officials; the creation of a forum to enhance technical cooperation in dairy technology and equipment, with a compiled technical manual; and, training industry stakeholders on dairy technologies to understand and develop bioactive peptide products to improve the level of milk processing for value-added production.

Contact:  Contact person: Charles Qin, Hongjun Zhao
Address: Suite 8C15, Chang Yin Mansions, No. 88, Yongding Rd., Haidian District, Beijing, PR., China P.C.: 100039
Telephone: 86-10-58894396-816
Fax: 86-10-58894396-802
Email: ssco @ or dldl @

Final Report:

INT/08/K03 – Capacity building in plant genomics in Latin America

Submitter: Cayetano Heredia Peruvian University (Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia), Lima, Peru
Subcontractor: same as above
Priority area: Food and agriculture
Participating/beneficiary countries: 3 countries (Brazil, Chile and Peru)
PGTF input: US$ 38,000
Other inputs: US$ 135,600
Number: INT/08/K03
Duration: One (1) year
Approval: 31st Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 27 September 2007)
Completion: Final report submitted on 12 August 2009
Impact: Transfer of the latest technology developed by the International Potato Genome-Sequencing Consortium was facilitated through a workshop in which networking and training activities on bioinformatics and wet-lab procedures were undertaken by junior scientists from Brazil, Chile and Peru aimed at enhancing the flow of information among the scientific communities of the participating countries and the capacity to elucidate the DNA sequence of the potato genome in Latin America.

Contact:  Contact person: Gisella Orjeda Fernandez
Address: Av. Honorio Delgado 430
Urbanizacion lngenieria
San Martin de Porres
Lima 31, Peru
Telephone: (+51-1) 3190000 x 2701
Fax: (+51-1) 3190016
Email: gorjeda @


Final Report:

INT/07/K04 – Training of maize breeding experts for the effective use of maize genetic resources of developing countries

Submitter: Academy of Agricultural Sciences of the Democratic People�s Republic of Korea
Subcontractor: not required
Priority area: Food and Agriculture
Participating/beneficiary countries: 5 countries (Democratic People�s Republic of Korea, Ethiopia, Guinea, Rwanda, United Republic of Tanzania)
PGTF input: US$ 34,000
Other inputs: US$ 42,000
Number: INT/07/K04
Duration: Six (6) months
Approval: 30th Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 22 September 2006)
Completion: Final report submitted on 1 August 2014.
Impact:: Training workshops contributed to capacity building of maize breeders in beneficiary countries. Workshops focused on the development of inbred lines, germplasm development and improvement, evaluation of hybrid and seed production.

Contact:  Kim In Ryong, Programme Coordinator at NCC
Address: JungSong Dong, Central District, Pyongyang City, DPR Korea
Telephone: 860-2-382-7222
Fax: 850-2-3814660


Final Report:

INT/07/K08 – Training and transfer of sea buckthorn technology to enhance the sustainable development of developing countries

Submitter: The International Center for Research and Training on Sea Buckthorn (ICRTS), Beijing, People’s Republic of China
Subcontractor: same as above
Priority area: Food and agriculture
Participating/beneficiary countries: 5 countries (China, Bolivia, India, Mongolia and Nepal)
PGTF input: US$ 32,000
Other inputs: US$ 40,000
Number: INT/07/K08
Duration: Twelve (12) months
Approval: 30th Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 22 September 2006)
Completion: Final report submitted on 7 December 2010
Impact: Participants of course in advanced sea buckthorn technologies received training on sea buckthorn cultivation and harvesting, processing, product development, quality and management, as well as marketing and commercialization of sea buckthorn through training materials compiled for course.

Contact:  An Baoli
The International Center for Research and Training on Seabuckthorn (CRTS)
Jia No. 1, Fuxing Road, Haidian District
Beijing 100038, People’s Republic of China
Telephone: 8610-63204370
Fax: 8610-63204359
Email: isa2005 @


Final Report:

INT/07/K04 – Training of maize breeding experts for the effective use of maize genetic resources of developing countries

Submitter: Academy of Agricultural Sciences of the Democratic People�s Republic of Korea
Subcontractor: not required
Priority area: Food and Agriculture
Participating/beneficiary countries: 5 countries (Democratic People�s Republic of Korea, Ethiopia, Guinea, Rwanda, United Republic of Tanzania)
PGTF input: US$ 34,000
Other inputs: US$ 42,000
Number: INT/07/K04
Duration: Six (6) months
Approval: 30th Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 22 September 2006)
Completion: Final report submitted on 1 August 2014.
Impact:: Training workshops contributed to capacity building of maize breeders in beneficiary countries. Workshops focused on the development of inbred lines, germplasm development and improvement, evaluation of hybrid and seed production.

Contact:  Kim In Ryong, Programme Coordinator at NCC
Address: JungSong Dong, Central District, Pyongyang City, DPR Korea
Telephone: 860-2-382-7222
Fax: 850-2-3814660

Final Report:

INT/06/K09 – Harmonization of norms and procedures for agronomic evaluation of commercial varieties in Peru, Colombia and Bolivia

Submitter: National Service of Agrarian Health (SENASA) from Peru
Subcontractor: same as above
Priority area: Food and agriculture
Participating/beneficiary countries: 3 countries (Bolivia, Colombia and Peru)
PGTF input: US$30,000
Other inputs: US$40,000
Number: INT/06/K09
Duration: Eight (8) months
Completion: Final report submitted on 8 January 2009
Impact: methodology was developed and tested to harmonize the agronomic evaluation and registry of 13 commercial crops with a view to facilitating the introduction and liberalization of new crop varieties for the benefit of agriculture in the participating countries.

Contact:  Ing. Gonzalo Tejada Lopez
Director de Insumos Agricolas
Servicio Nacional de Sanidad Agraria (SENASA)
Sede Central: Av. La Molina N� 1915
Lima 12 – La Molina, Lima-Per�
Tel. (51)-(1)-313 3300
Fax: (51)-(1)-340 1486
Email: gtejada @

Final Report:

INT/06/K04 – Yeast and yeast derivative production from cheese-whey

Submitter: �Universidad Nacional de Quilmes� based in Buenos Aires, Argentina
Subcontractor: Same as above
Priority area: Food and agriculture
Participating/beneficiary countries: 4 countries (Argentina, Costa Rica, El Salvador and Mexico)
PGTF input: US$30,000
Other inputs: US$347,000
Number: INT/06/K04
Duration: Twelve (12) months
Approval: 29th Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 22 September 2005)
Completion: Final report submitted on 1 December 2008
Impact: Research studies were conducted in Argentina, Costa Rica, Cuba and Mexico on alternative technologies and procedures for the utilization and disposal of cheese-whey aimed at reducing its environmental impact and producing food and food additives from yeast biomass to enhance the profitability of dairy industries.

Contact:  Dr. Jorge Ricardo Wagner
Department of Science and Technology, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
Roque Saenz Pe�a 180
(B1876BXD) Bernal, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Tel: (54-11)4365-7100
Fax: (54-11)4365-7101
Email: jwagner @

Final Report:

INT/06/K01 – Training of irrigation and drainage designers for protection from drought and flood damage in developing countries

Submitter: Irrigation Designing Research Institute (IDRI) from the Democratic People’s Republic
of Korea
Subcontractor: Same as above
Priority area: Food and agriculture
Participating/beneficiary countries: 5 countries (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Sudan, and Uganda)
PGTF input: US$34,827
Other inputs: US$43,173
Number: INT/06/K01
Duration: One year
Approval: 29th Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 22 September 2005)
Completion: Final report submitted on 16 August 2006
Impact: Participants from the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Sudan, and Uganda received training in the preparation of master plans of irrigation and drainage, and to guide construction in accordance with their specific features for effectively using water resources.

Contact:  National Coordinating Committee for UNDP
JungSong Dong, Central District
Pyongyang City, DPR Korea
Tel: (850)(2)382-7222
Fax: (850)(2)3814660
Contact person: Ri Song Chol, Programme Coordinator at NCC


Final Report:

INT/05/K03 – Training of Groundnut Breeding Experts for the Effective Use of Groundnut Genetic Resources in the Developing Countries

Submitter: Academy of Agricultural Sciences of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
Subcontractor: same as above
Priority area: Food and agriculture
Participating/beneficiary countries: 5 countries (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Guinea, Mali, Nigeria, and Senegal)
PGTF input (US$): US$45,000
Other inputs (US$): US$67,500
Date of implementation: 2005
Impact: A one-week training course for 10 participants from Guinea, Mali, Nigeria and Senegal was conducted in Guinea, including theoretical training and lectures, field practice and visits. Participants were familiarized with the technologies for breeding and cultivation of groundnuts, as well as with the establishment of groundnut breeding systems fit for their own specific conditions, and capacity building for the self-training of more and competent groundnut breeders.

Contact:  National Coordinating Committee for UNDP
JungSong Dong, Central District
Pyongyang City, DPR Korea
Tel: (850)(2)382-7222
Fax: (850)(2)3814660
Contact person: Ri Song Chol, Programme Coordinator at NCC

Final Report:

INT/05/K02 – Training of Researchers for Seed Production, Processing and Inspection Methods in Developing Countries

Submitter: Seed Technical Center (STC) under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Democratic People’s Republic
of Korea
Subcontractor: same as above
Priority area: Food and Agriculture
Participating/beneficiary countries: 5 countries (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda
PGTF input (US$): 45,000
Other inputs (US$): 67,500
Date of implementation: 2005
Impact: 12 seed experts (from Ethiopia, United Republic of Tanzania, Uganda and the Democratic Peoples’ Republic of Korea) received training in the production of first-generation hybrid seed, its processing and inspection. Application of learned methods of seed production could increases crop production by 12 percent.

Contact:  National Coordinating Committee for UNDP
JungSong Dong, Central District
Pyongyang City, DPR Korea
Tel: (850)(2)382-7222
Fax: (850)(2)3814660
Contact person: Ri Song Chol, Programme Coordinator at NCC


Final Report:

INT/04/K04 – Development of new technologies and products for the whole utilization of marginal and primary yeasts as sources of food (YAF)  

Submitter: Cuban Research Institute for Sugar Cane by-Products (ICIDCA) from Cuba
Subcontractor: same as above

Priority area: Food and Agriculture

Participating/beneficiary countries: 3 countries (Argentina, Cuba and Mexico)
Number: INT/04/K04
PGTF input: US$25,000
Other inputs: US$245,000
Date of implementation: 2004-2005
Impact: Assessment at industrial scale of substitution of molasses by microbial growth enhancer (MGE) QZ-350 in yeast propagation.  Two tons of molasses needed as medium enrichment per ton of yeast were fully substituted by 1 Kg of MGE, without significant variation of productive results and with lower yeast production costs.

Contact:  Mr. Gustavo Saura Laria
Cuban Institute for Research on Sugar Cane By-Products (ICIDCA)
V�a Blanca #804 and Carretera Central, San Miguel del Padr�n
Havana, Cuba
Telephone: (537)557015, 986501
Fax: (537)338236
Email: saura @


Final Report:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

INT/04/K01 – Cooperation for floriculture and vegetable growing technology among developing countries

Submitter: Government of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
Subcontractor: Pyongyang Horticulture Group, under the Agricultural Ministry of the DPRK
Priority area: Food and Agriculture
Participating/beneficiary countries: 6 countries (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Ethiopia, Mali, Sudan, Uganda and United Republic of Tanzania)
PGTF input: US$40,000
Other inputs: US$101,200
Number: INT/04/K01
Duration: One year
Approval: 27th Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 25 September 2003)
Completion: Final report and budget revision submitted on 2 November 2004

Contact:  National Coordinating Committee for UNDP
JungSong Dong, Central District
Pyongyang City, DPR Korea
Tel: (850)(2)382-7222
Fax: (850)(2)3814660
Contact person: Ri Song Chol, Programme Coordinator at NCC

Final Report:

INT/03/K13 – Training of Irrigation Designers for Undertaking the Work of Developing the Water Resources in Developing Countries

Submitter: Government of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
Subcontractor: Irrigation Designing Institute under the Ministry of Agriculture of the DPR of Korea
Priority area: Food and Agriculture
Participating/beneficiary countries: 5 countries (Burkina Faso, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Guinea, Mali, and Senegal)
PGTF input: US$40,000
Other inputs: US$110,000
Number: INT/03/K13
Duration: One year
Approval: 26th Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 19 September 2002)
Completion: Final report and budget revision submitted on 1 March 2004

Contact:  National Coordinating Committee for UNDP
JungSong Dong, Central District
Pyongyang City, DPR Korea
Tel: (850)(2)382-7222
Fax: (850)(2)3814660
Contact person: Ri Song Chol, Programme Coordinator at NCC

Final Report:

INT/03/K09 – Increase in sugar production by microbiological inhibition of the Leuconostoc spp. and other bacteria

Submitter: Cuban Research Institute for Sugar Cane by-Products (ICIDCA) from Cuba
Subcontractor: same as above
Priority area: Food and Agriculture
Participating/beneficiary countries: 3 countries (Argentina, Cuba, and Mexico)
PGTF input (US$): 25,000
Other inputs (US$): 30,000
Date of implementation: 2003-2004
Impact: An inhibitor was found to have superior effects over commercial disinfection products commonly used for microbial inhibition of sugar cane losses in the sugar production process.

Contact:  Contact person: Georgina Michelena Alvarez
Address: V�a Blanca #804 y Carretera Central, San Miguel del Padr�n, Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba
Telephone: (537)557015, 986501 ext. 202
Fax: (537)338236
Email: miche @

Final Report:

INT/02/K01 – Training of Maize breeding experts for effective use of maize germplasm in Africa

Submitter: Academy of Agricultural Science of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
Subcontractor: same as above
Priority area: Food and Agriculture
Participating/beneficiary countries: 5 countries (Democratic Republic of the Congo, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Ethiopia, Guinea, and Mali)
PGTF input (US$): US$81,200
Other inputs (US$): US$159,100
Date of implementation: 2002-2003
Impact: A training course was successfully completed by 11 trainees on the breeding of high-yield maize varieties resistant to unfavorable climate conditions through which information was exchanged on maize breeding and seed selection work done in the participating countries, namely Ethiopia, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Guinea and Mali.

Contact:  National Coordinating Committee for UNDP
JungSong Dong, Central District
Pyongyang City, DPR Korea
Tel: (850)(2)382-7222
Fax: (850)(2)3814660
Contact person: Ri Song Chol, Programme Coordinator at NCC


Final Report:

INT/01/K03 – Watershed Management in the Northern Badia Region as an example for desert regions

Submitter: AL al-Bayt University from Jordan
Subcontractor: Same as above
Priority area: Food and Agriculture
Participating/beneficiary countries:3 countries (Egypt, Jordan, and Palestine)
PGTF input: US$75,000
Other inputs: US$142,720
Number: INT/01/K03
Duration: Three years
Approval: 25th Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 15 November 2001)
Completion: Final report submitted on 16 May 2007
Impact: Improved management of the surface water resources of the Badia region could be achieved through the use of modern and advanced modeling techniques.

Contact:  Al al-Bayt University
P.O.Box130040, Mafraq 25113, Jordan
Tel: 962-2-6297000 Ext. 2356

Final Report:

INT/01/K02 – Improving Awassi Sheep Productivity by using frozen semen in Jordan and the Palestinian Authority

Submitter: Jordan University of Science and Technology.
Subcontractor: Same as above.
Priority area: Food and agriculture
Participating/beneficiary countries: 3 countries (Egypt, Jordan and Palestine)
PGTF input: US$110,000
Other inputs: US$260,000
Number: INT/01/K02
Duration: Two years
Approval: 25th Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 15 November 2001)
Completion: Final report submitted on 2 October 2006
Impact: Increased productive potential of genetically improved Awassi sheep in the region through the use of frozen and fresh semen obtained from disease-free proven sires.

Contact:  Jordan University of Science and Technology
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Irbid P.O. Box: 3030, Jordan
Fax: 00962-2-7095123
Tel: 00962-2-7095111

Final Report:

INT/01/K01 – Quinoa, a multipurpose crop for agro-industrial uses in the Andean countries

SubmitterUniversidad Nacional del Altiplano from Puno, Peru, through the National Council for Science and
Technology of Peru
Subcontractor: same as above
Priority area: Food and Agriculture
Participating/beneficiary countries: 3 countries (Bolivia, Colombia, and Peru)
Number: INT/01/K01
PGTF input (US$): US$74,900
Other inputs (US$): US$89,800
Date of implementation: 2002-2004
Impact: 30 varieties of Quinoa seeds were cultivated under different crop conditions in Bolivia, Colombia and Peru. The most adaptable and productive seeds were identified and their respective profitability in the areas of production, agro industrial processing and marketing was assessed.

Contact:  Universidad Nacional del Altiplano-Puno
Centros e Institutos de Investigaci�n
Casilla 291
Puno, Peru
Telephone: 51-3640069
Email: amujica @


Final Report:

INT/00/K11 – Support for development of transboundary communities’ activities in the Kalahari-Namib region (Namibia, Botswana and South Africa)

Submitter: UNCCD Secretariat on behalf of the Governments of Namibia, Botswana and South Africa
Subcontractor: Southern African Development Community (SADC)
Priority area: Food and Agriculture
Participating/beneficiary countries: 3 countries (Botswana, Namibia, and South Africa)
PGTF input: US$35,000
Other inputs: US$25,000
Number: INT/00/K11
Duration: Five years
Approval: 24th Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 15 September 2000)
Completion: Final report submitted on 21 June 2004

Contact:  UNCCD Secretariat
P.O. Box 260129
D-53153 Bonn, Germany
Telephone: 49-228 / 815-2800
Fax: 49-228 / 815-2898/99
Email: secretariat @

Final Report:

INT/00/K10 – Programme of prevention in Peru and control in Ecuador and Colombia against the Guatemalan moth

Submitter: National Agricultural Health Service (SENASA) from Peru
Subcontractor: same as above
Priority area: Food and Agriculture
Participating/beneficiary countries: 3 countries (Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru)
PGTF input (US$): US$30,000
Other inputs (US$): US$43,268
Date of implementation: 2001-2003
Impact: An information network among Colombia, Ecuador and Peru was established to monitor and exchange information about the potato Guatemalan moth. International workshops were held with the participation of national specialists concerned with this pest, which facilitated contacts and the integrated development of sub regional initiatives against the Guatemalan moth. Success was reported in Peru continuing to maintain its status as a country free of this pest.

Contact:  Ing. Julia Salazar Su�rez – Asesora del SENASA / Ing. Johny Naccha Oyola, Director de Vigilancia Fitosanitaria de la Direcci�n General de Sanidad Vegetal de SENASA
Address: Pasaje Zela S/N Piso 10, Edificio el Ministerio de Agricultura, Jes�s Mar�a, Lima 11, Per�
Fax: 3321226 / 4330402
Email: jsalazar @ / jnaccha @

Final Report:

INT/00/K09 – Assessment and study of the residual effect of pesticides utilization on crop products and flowers in Latin America

Submitter: National University of Colombia
Subcontractor: same as above
Priority area: Food and Agriculture
Participating/beneficiary countries: 4 countries (Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, and Guatemala)  
PGTF input (US$): US$35,000
Other inputs (US$): US$354,085
Date of implementation: 2001-2004
Impact: Field sampling studies were conducted and samples collection taken in representative areas in Colombia to assess pesticide residues in crop products to evaluate the food quality and safety and environmental impact. In most of the samples (96.4%) residues were below the Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs). Three samples (4.6%) were contaminated with pesticides residues that exceeded the MRLs, which were attributed to the inappropriate or excessive use of pesticides.

Contact:  Dr. Jairo Arturo Guerrero Dallos
Departamento de Qu�mica
Facultad de Ciencias
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Ciudad Universitaria, Bogota
Telephone: 3165650
Email: ori @


Final Report:

INT/00/K05 – Cooperation for Development and Application of Biological Farming Method among Developing Countries in Asia

Submitter: Biological Branch of the Academy of Science of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
Subcontractor: same as above
Priority area: Food and Agriculture
Participating/beneficiary countries: 5 countries (Cambodia, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Nepal, and Viet Nam)
PGTF input (US$): US$40,000
Other inputs (US$): US$112,500
Date of implementation: 2001-2002
Impact: 29 experts from the participating countries (Cambodia, Laos, Nepal and Vietnam) were trained on biological farming. Main results were the analysis of the current situation in each country, guidelines for developing biological resources and implementing country-specific biological farming methods; provision of bio-fertilizers and agricultural bio-medicines, on the basis of research and trials in various points of each country; and a system for sharing information experiences was established.

Contact:  National Coordinating Committee for UNDP
JungSong Dong, Central District
Pyongyang City, DPR Korea
Tel: (850)(2)382-7222
Fax: (850)(2)3814660
Contact person: Ri Song Chol, Programme Coordinator at NCC

Final Report:

INT/00/K04 – Training of Irrigation and Drainage Designers for Undertaking Development of Water Resources in Developing Countries in Asia

Submitter: Agricultural Ministry of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
Subcontractor: Irrigation Designing Institute from the Agricultural Ministry of DPR of Korea
Priority area: Food and Agriculture
Participating/beneficiary countries: 5 countries (Bangladesh, Cambodia, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, and Nepal)
PGTF input: US$40,000
Other inputs: US$100,000
Number: INT/00/K04
Duration: One (1) year
Approval: 24th Annual Ministerial Meeting (New York, 15 September 2000)
Completion: Final report and final budget revision submitted respectively on 10 January 2002 and 6 October 2003.

Contact:  National Coordinating Committee for UNDP
JungSong Dong, Central District
Pyongyang City, DPR Korea
Tel: (850)(2)382-7222
Fax: (850)(2)3814660
Contact person: Ri Song Chol, Programme Coordinator at NCC

Final Report:

INT/00/K03 – Sustainable Management of Agro forest resources in Amazon Border Areas of Brazil, Colombia and Peru

Submitter: Peruvian Technical Unit (UTP) in the National Institute for Development(INADE) of Peru
Subcontractor: Same as above
Priority area: Food and agriculture
Participating/beneficiary countries: 3 countries (Brazil, Colombia and Peru)
PGTF input: US$ 45,000
Other inputs: US$ 75,000
Number: INT/00/K03
Duration: One year
Approval: 24th Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 15 September 2000)
Completion: Final report submitted on 7 August 2007
Impact: Identified opportunities for cooperation in the Amazon border areas aimed at facilitating the rational and sustainable utilization of shared forest resources through research, promotion and development of agroforest systems in the Amazon border areas.

Contact:  Peruvian Technical Unit (UTP)
National Institute for Development (INADE)
Jr. Tarata No. 160 – 5to Piso, Miraflores
LIma, Peru
Telephone: 446-8730; 240-0893
Fax: 241-1806
Email: inade.gpss @

Final Report:

INT/99/K10 – Citrus certification programmes in Central America and the Caribbean

Submitter: Instituto de Investigaciones de Cítricos y otros Frutales, from Cuba.
Subcontractor: Same as above
Priority area: Food and Agriculture
Participating/beneficiary countries: 3 countries (Cuba, Dominican Republic, and Guatemala)
PGTF input: US$35,000
Other inputs: US$25,000
Number: INT/99/K10
Duration: One (1) year.
Approval: 23rd Annual Ministerial Meeting (New York, 24 September 1999).
Completion: Final report submitted on 30 July 2002.

Contact:  Instituto de Investigaciones de Citricos (IICF) Dr. Maria del Carmen Perez, Director IICF, IACNET General Coordinator 7ma Av. No 2005, entre 30 y 34, Miramar, Playa Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba Telephone: (537)290534; 293585 Fax: (537)246794; 335217


Final Report:

INT/98/K09 – Harmonization of agricultural policies of the COMESA Member States

Submitter: Secretariat of the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa, (COMESA), based in Lusaka, Zambia.
Subcontractor: Not required
Priority area: Food and Agriculture
Participating/beneficiary countries: 20 member countries (Angola, Burundi, Comoros, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Namibia, Rwanda, Seychelles, Sudan, Swaziland, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe)
PGTF input (US$): US$60,000
Other inputs (US$): US$420,000(estimated)
Date of implementation: 2000-2003

Contact:  COMESA Secretariat
Ben Bella Road
P.O. Box 30051
Lusaka, Zambia
Tel: (260)-1-229725
Fax: (260)-1-225107
Email: comesa @


Final Report:

INT/98/K03 – Training of rice breeding experts for the effective use of rice genetic resources in the developing countries

Submitter: Academy of Agricultural Science of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
Subcontractor: same as above
Priority area: Food and Agriculture
Participating/beneficiary countries: 5 countries (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Ethiopia, Guinea, Mali, and Nigeria)
PGTF input (US$): US$100,000
Other inputs (US$): US$146,500
Date of implementation: 1999-2000
Impact: On the basis of the findings of a mission from DPR Korea to the participating countries (Ethiopia, Guinea, Mali and Nigeria), 14 experts from these countries were trained on rice breeding.  Main results were country-specific guidelines for evaluation, selection and seed production of rice genetic resources; improved rice breeding systems suited to the various agro-ecological zones; and rice breeding with enhanced disease resistance.

Contact:  (To be provided)

Final Report:

INT/98/K02 – Emergency control measures of the Moroccan locust and other insect pests

Submitter: Iraqi General Body for Agricultural Research
Subcontractor: Not required
Priority area: Food and Agriculture
Participating/beneficiary countries: 5 countries (Iraq, Islamic Republic of Iran, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syrian Arab Republic)
PGTF input: US$50,000
Other inputs: US$380,000
Number: INT/98/K02
Duration:  Two (2) years
Approval: Twenty-second Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 25 September 1998)
Completion: The project was closed in 2005

Contact:  (To be provided)


Final Report:

INT/97/K02 – Biological Control of Pests and Weeds for Sustainable Agriculture and Bio-diversity

Submitter: Centre for Science and Technology of the Non-Aligned and Other Developing Countries, based in
Subcontractor: same as above
Priority area: Food and Agriculture
Participating/beneficiary countries: 11 countries (Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Colombia, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Egypt, India, Malaysia, Pakistan, Peru, United Republic of Tanzania, and Zambia)
PGTF input (US$): US$25,000
Other inputs (US$): US$25,000
Date of implementation: 1999-2002
Impact: Collection of information on crops, pests and weeds, bio-control programmes and integrated pest management from 13 participating countries. Convening of a workshop with 10 participating countries and 21 resource persons to exchange experiences on bio-control programmes.  Identification of common problems and of areas for training.   Four training programmes completed as of end April 2002.

Contact:  (To be provided)


Final Report: (Coming soon…)

INT/96/K05 – South-South Transfer of Experiences in Sustainable Agricultural Development

Submitter: Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), based in Guyana
Subcontractor: same as above
Priority area: Food and Agriculture
Participating/beneficiary countries: All member countries of the Group of 77
PGTF input (US$): 84,000
Other inputs (US$): 93,000
Date of implementation: 1998-2001
Impact: Collection of information on 65 agricultural and rural development projects in seventeen countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. Preparation of 30 project summaries and 10 case studies. Publication of 11 issues of a newsletter in English and Spanish.

Contact:  Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA)
600 m Norte del Cruce Ip�s-Coronado
Apartado 55-2200, San Isidro de Coronado
San Jos�, Costa Rica
Tel.: (506)2216 0222
Fax.: (506)2216 0233
Email: iicahq @


Final Report:

INT/95/K01 – Optimization of the process for obtaining crude PMSG for animal reproduction

Submitter: Biological Pharmaceutical Laboratories (LABIOFAM) through the Government of Cuba
Subcontractor: Same as above
Priority area: Food and Agriculture
Participating/beneficiary countries: 6 countries (Algeria, Argentina, Cuba, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Ecuador, and Nigeria)
PGTF input: US$165,000
Other inputs: US$432,194
Number: INT/95/K01
Duration: Two (2) years
Approval: 19th Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 29 September 1995)
Completion: Final budget revision submitted on 11 March 1999.

Contact:  Biological Pharmaceutical Laboratories (LABIOFAM)
Calle 19 #1166 e/ 16 and 18
Vedado, Centro Habana
Telephone: 53(7)334757

Final Report:

INT/94/K04 – Training on the Use of a Computer Simulation Model for Food Security Analysis in Developing Countries of the NAM

Submitter: Government of Indonesia
Subcontractor: Ministry of Agriculture of Indonesia
Priority area: Food and Agriculture
Participating/beneficiary countries: 12 countries (Bangladesh, Gambia, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Nigeria, Sudan, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, and Zimbabwe)
PGTF input: US $70,000
Other inputs: Nil.
Number: INT/94/K04
Duration: One (1) year
Approval: 18th Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 30 September 1994)
Completion: Final report submitted on 24 June 1997

Contact:  Department of Agriculture
Jl. Harsono RM No.3 Ragunan
Jakarta 12550, Republic of Indonesia
Telepphone: 021-780 4427 ext.2223
Fax: 021-780 4428

Final Report:

INT/93/K07 – Feasibility study for a subregional center for agricultural machinery in the CEPGL subregion

Submitterr: Communauté Economique des Pays des Grands Lacs (CEPGL), based in Gisenyi, Rwanda
Subcontractor: same as above
Priority area: Food and agriculture
Participating/beneficiary countries: 3 countries (Burundi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Rwanda)
PGTF input (US$): US$43,000
Other inputs (US$): US$15,200
Date of implementation: 1996-1999
Impact: Provided decision-makers in the subregion with recommendations aimed at designing and adopting common agricultural policies.  In particular, by identifying shortcomings in national policies that resulted in the disappearance of all national centers for agricultural machinery, and by defining the main features of the subregional center, conceived as a center of excellence and a common endeavor of the member countries.   

Contact:  Communaut� �conomique des Pays des Grands Lacs (CEPGL)
Secr�tariat Ex�cutif Permanent
Boite Postale 58
Gisenyi, Rwanda
Telephone: 250-08525226 / 08500940
Fax: 250-540696

Final Report:

INT/90/K06 – Organic rice farming

Submitter: Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI)
Subcontractor same as above
Priority area: Food and agriculture
Participating/beneficiary countries: 6 countries (Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand)
PGTF input (US$): 85,000
Other inputs (US$): nil
Date of implementation: 1991-1997
Impact: The study has provided information on the characteristics of various organic matter sources when used for organic rice farming.  It also provided information for both up scaling the project to the pilot level, and enabling farmers to further exploit these techniques

Contact:  Malaysia Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI)
P.O.Box 12301, General Post Office
50774 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Telephone: 603-8943 7111
Telefax: 603-8948 3664
Email: enquiry @


Final Report:

INT/90/K05 – Intensifying the utilization of operations research techniques in the management of agriculture development projects in ASEAN countries

Submitter: Department of Agriculture of Malaysia
Subcontractor: Same as above
Priority area: Food and Agriculture
Participating/beneficiary countries: 6 member countries (Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand)
PGTF input: US$110,000
Other inputs: US$191,000
Number: INT/90/K05
Duration: Two (2) years
Approval: 14th Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 3 October 1990)
Completion: Final Report submitted on 17 August 1993

Contact:  Department of Agriculture Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Website:

Final Report:

INT/90/K01 – Integrated management of the associated resources to the mangrove areas in the Pacific coast of Central America

Submitter: National University of Costa Rica
Subcontractor: Foundation of Science, Art and Culture of the National University of Costa Rica (FUNA)
Priority area: Food and Agriculture
Participating/beneficiary countries: 6 countries (Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama)
PGTF input: US$84,800
Other inputs: US$60,000
Number: INT/90/K01
Duration: Two (2) years
Approval: 14th Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 3 October 1990)
Completion: Final Report submitted on 9 December 1994.

Contact:  Laboratorio de Manglares y Ecolog�a Estuarina
Universidad Nacional Aut�noma
86-300 Heredia, Costa Rica

Final Report:

INT/89/K12 – Regional program for cooperation and concerted action in the area of plant germ plasm

Submitter: Latin American Economic System (SELA), based in Caracas, Venezuela
Subcontractor: not required
Priority area: Food and agriculture
Participating/beneficiary countries: 12 countries (Argentina, Brazil, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Uruguay, and Venezuela)
PGTF input (US$): 58,000
Other inputs (US$): 309,200
Date of implementation: 1991-1997
Impact: Publication of a book on biodiversity containing all the findings and innovative elements related to the germ plasm issue.

Contact:  SELA, Secretar�a Permanente
Av Francisco de Miranda, Torre Europa, Piso 4
Urb. Campo Alegre
Caracas 1060, Venezuela
Tel�fono: +58(212)955.71.11
Fax: +58(212)951.52.92
Email: difusion @


Final Report:

INT/89/K03 – Technical Co-operation among SELA member States in artificial insemination and embryo transplants

Submitter: Latin American Economic System (SELA), based in Caracas, Venezuela
Subcontractor: not required
Priority area: Food and agriculture
Participating/beneficiary country: 12 countries (Brazil, Chile, Cuba, Ecuador, Guyana, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay, and Venezuela)
PGTF input (US$): 83,700
Other inputs (US$): 202,000
Date of implementation: 1989-1993
Impact: The project created a network of institutions that introduced or improved artificial insemination and embryo transplant procedures.  Outstanding results have been achieved in Cuba, Chile, Uruguay and Brazil.  Development of these biotechnologies in the region is significant and their use is an everyday occurrence today.

Contact:  SELA, Secretar�a Permanente
Av Francisco de Miranda, Torre Europa, Piso 4
Urb. Campo Alegre
Caracas 1060, Venezuela
Tel�fono: +58(212)955.71.11
Fax: +58(212)951.52.92
Email: difusion @

Final Report:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

INT/17/K13 –Effective microorganisms: production and application in agriculture, postharvest fruit and animal husbandry.

Submitter: Cuban Research Institute on Sugarcane By-Products (ICIDCA), based in Havana, Cuba.
Subcontractor: Same as above.
Priority area: Food and agriculture.
Participating/beneficiary countries: 3 countries (Argentina, Cuba and Mexico).
PGTF input: US$ 27,000.
Other inputs: US$ 38,000.
Number: INT/17/K13.
Duration: 2018-2019.
Approval: 40th Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 (New York, 23 September 2016).
Completion: Final report submitted on 30 May 2019.
Impact:: The project evaluated the application of several microbial strains as effective microorganisms (EM) to demonstrate how EM could enhance the productivity of agricultural and animal husbandry in order to decrease the use of agrochemicals, thereby contributing to sustainable agriculture and food security.


Contact:  Contact person: Georgina Michelena Alvarez.
Address: Vía Blanca #804 y Carretera Central, San Miguel del Padre, Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba.
Tel.: (537)6967015, 6986501 ext. 230.
Fax: (537)6988243.
Email: georgina.michelena @


Final Report:

Note: The reports posted have been prepared by the submitting institutions and their content is the sole responsibility of their authors. Please forward any inquiries or requests for further information to the contact person provided and kindly send a copy to the Office of the Chairman of the Group of 77 ( for our records.

© The Group of 77