Statement by the Group of 77 and China delivered by the Chairman of the Group of 77 and China in Geneva, H.E. Ambassador Farukh Amil (Pakistan), at the 65th Annual Session of the Trade and Development Board on agenda item 5, Economic Development in Africa Report 2018: “Migration for Structural Transformation” (Geneva, 25 June 2018)

Mr. President,
Distinguished colleagues,

I have the honour to deliver this statement on behalf of the Group of 77 and China.

At the outset, the G77 and China would like to commend UNCTAD Secretariat for the issuance of the Economic Development in Africa Report 2018 subtitled “Migration for Structural Transformation” which is a necessary addition to the available documentation in the lead up to the global compact on Migration.

The Group strongly believes that well-managed migration benefits both origin and destination countries, hence African migration can play a key role in the structural transformation of the continent’s economies and also provides an important means for helping to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, both in Africa and beyond.

Recognizing the recent agreements on the establishment of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), the Protocol on the Free Movement of Persons and the launch of the Single African Air Transport Market, this Report will contribute to a better understanding of the implications of intra-African migration for the continent’s socio-economic transformation.

Realizing the fact that Africa is projected to have the largest population growth of any geographical region by 2050, which will have important consequences for international migration, and major implications for the continent’s economic development. The G77 and China request the international community to exert stronger efforts to support Africa for establishing the necessary mechanisms for migration management that best contributes to the continent’s structural transformation.

The G77 and China believe that this report offers new and innovative analytical perspectives, relevant for both long-term policymaking and for the design of demand-driven technical cooperation projects, with a shorter time frame and will help Governments and other stakeholders in reaching informed decisions on appropriate migration policies in the context of Africa’s regional integration process.

The G77 and China request that international migration to and from Africa driven by historical, geopolitical and economic factors, including South-South Foreign Direct Investment, warrants a stronger consideration for the co-dependent relationship between Africa and countries of origin of migrants in Europe, America and Asia in the Global Compact for Migration.

The Group stress the importance of agreeing a development pillar as part of the Global Compact for Migration which galvanizes support from the international community.

The Group request UNCTAD, to continue its research and analysis on Africa’s development issues and to strengthen efforts to enhance the developmental impact of its activities.

I thank you Mr. President.

© The Group of 77