Statement of Ambassador Farukh Amil, Permanent Representative of Pakistan to the UN, at the G77 and China Handover Ceremony (Geneva, 17 January 2018)

Ambassador Dr. James Mskela, Permanent Representative of Tanzania,
Secretary-General Dr. Mukhisa Kituyi,
Distinguished ambassadors and delegates,
Ladies and Gentlemen:

It gives me immense pleasure to be with you all at the handover ceremony of the Group of 77 and China in Geneva. At the outset, let me commend the outgoing Chairperson, Permanent Representative of Tanzania, Ambassador Dr. James Mskela for his leadership and his tireless efforts to provide direction to the Group. We feel honored to assume the coordination of the largest group of developing countries for the year 2018. It is a matter of great responsibility also to steer the important work concerning trade and development especially during these challenging times when very fabric of multilateralism is at risk. Pakistan attaches great importance to the work of the Group of 77 and China and values its stewardship. Right at its establishment in 1964, Pakistan’s Ambassador Syed Amjad Ali served as first ever Chairman of the Group. Our chairmanship in 2018 will continue that honored tradition.

Dear colleagues, distinguished delegates:
We need to increase the relevance and awareness of UNCTAD work and participation of developing countries with a view to benefit from its expertise and technical assistance. The reinvigoration of the G77 & China and UNCTAD is absolutely critical to address contemporary challenges. We need to encourage UNCTAD and developing countries to focus on emerging technologies (3D printing or additive manufacturing, Internet of Things, Big Data, Genetic Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Electronic Commerce) which have far-reaching implications not only on economic and social development of developing countries but also for the mutually beneficial international trading and economic system. In particular, developing countries should fully tap into the potential of e-Commerce – the democratization of opportunities.
In addition to our priority areas, developing countries need to explore other important themes such as the role of private sector and importance of public-private partnership especially in the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The G77 and China, Geneva Chapter should seek to enhance UNCTAD’s liasion and coordination with the Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) and the Secretariats of the regional economic commissions and other United Nations Agencies/International organizations. UNCTAD’s foundational resolution of General Assembly also stipulates to carry out economic, trade and development functions of UNCTAD in coordination with these important entities. Similarly, we should strengthen the relationship of the Group of 77 and China with institutions/forums of the Global South such as NAM and the South Center, Geneva. We should improve coordination with other Chapters of the Group of 77 and China especially New York Chapter. It is also important to enhance visibility of the UNCTAD’s work in New York, particularly at the UNGA’s Second Committee. The G77 and China, Geneva Chapter should seek to actively participate in the Second Committee’s work related to UNCTAD’s mandate. The G77 and China should fully utilize UNCTAD’s unique intergovernmental role as an organ of the General Assembly – as embodied in General Assembly resolution 1995 (XIX) – to raise issues of concern to us related to trade and development.

Dear colleagues, distinguished delegates:
Pakistan remains committed to promoting the Group’s common interests. During our coordination, we will be open to ideas on how best to achieve meaningful results for all of us. It goes without saying that we would require your active participation, encouragement and support in all our deliberations.

Lastly, I once again thank you all for your confidence in Pakistan to assume this huge responsibility and looking forward to work with you all.

© The Group of 77