Statement delivered by H.E. Mr. Modest J. Mero, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the United Republic of Tanzania at the G-77 Handover Ceremony of the Chairmanship of the Geneva Chapter Group of 77 (Geneva, 10 January 2017)

Amb. Marcelo Cima of Argentina, Chairman of the Group of G77 and China,
Dr. Mukhisa Khituyi, Secretary General of UNCTAD, Permanent Representatives,
Distinguished delegates,

On behalf of the Government and people of the United Republic of Tanzania, I am truly honored to accept the responsibility entrusted to us by the members of the Group of 77 and China, as Chair of the Group in Geneva for the year 2017.

Excellencies, Distinguished Delegates,
At the outset, I would like to commend Argentina for its ablechairmanship in the last quarter of 2016, especially Argentina’s strong leadership during the 63rd Trade and Development Board. Allow me also to express my delegation’s sincere gratitude to Jamaica for its strong leadership and tireless efforts during the negotiation processes leading up to the adoptions of a historic multilateral outcome document namely the Nairobi Maafikiano. I wish also to express my sincere appreciation to the African Group for nominating Tanzania, and to the G-77 members for placing your trust and confidence in us to carry out this important responsibility of coordinating and representing the interests and needs of the developing countries.

Excellencies, Distinguished Delegates,
The year 2016 was a momentous one for the international community, as we embarked on the implementation of the Agenda 2030 and Addis Ababa Action Agenda (AAAA). Most importantly, we agreed on an outcome document in UNCTAD 14 that responds to the expectation of UNCTAD’s role in the follow up process of Financing for Development and SDGs. The real challenges still line up to ensure that we continue to proceed on the right track and make UNCTAD great again. In assuming the chairmanship, Tanzania is well aware of the challenges, but does not consider them insurmountable.

Excellencies, Distinguished Delegates,
The greatest strength and bargaining power of the Group of 77 and China lies in our ability to maintain and negotiate as a united front. Tanzania will do its utmost to maintain and promote our “unity in diversity” in pursuing vigorously our common cause of sustainable development through the United Nations-led global partnership. And stronger together we shall become.

Excellencies, Distinguished Delegates,
At Nairobi we decided to move “From Decisions to Action.” Perhaps there is no more fitting phrase that encapsulates our aspirations for our chairmanship in 2017. These are not empty words. We see 2017 as a year for the group to talk less and do more. To move beyond the mantras we have sought refuge in, and to venture into the real field of challenge where we must truly make an impact in order to deliver on the expectations that our respective peoples- the peoples of the developing world – have
placed on our shoulders. In this we have three priorities for the year. The first is to ensure that we succeed in revitalizing UNCTAD’s intergovernmental machinery and, in so doing, ourselves as a chapter. A strong UNCTAD has always meant a strong G-77. Together, we will recapture much of the vitality and relevance that has been eroded over the years.
Second, we intend to place the chapter on a firmer footing better equipping it to meet its priorities and ambitions. We will therefore strive to work on the suggestion made by my predecessor, Ambassador Cecilia Rebong of Phillipines, on the establishment of a voluntary assessment so that the G-77 trust fund in UNCTAD will have sufficient resources to fund our envisioned activities and implement mandates that have not being implemented due to lack of funding. Third, we will consolidate and strengthen our ties with New York and the other G-77 chapters. I spoke of the unity within our chapter that has made us strong – the importance of our unity across chapters also cannot be overemphasized. Together, we hope that these will lead to a stronger G-77 in Geneva, and that through our combined efforts, we will restore UNCTAD and Geneva to their place at the center of the global development dialogue.

I thank you for your attention.

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