Statement delivered by H.E. Mr. Wayne McCook, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative of Jamaica and Chairman of the Group of 77 and China in Geneva, on the occasion of the Handover Ceremony of the Chairmanship of the Geneva Chapter of the Group of 77 and China (Geneva, 8 January 2016)

Dear Colleagues there is not much that I can say about the challenges ahead that you do not already know – This is a Ministerial Year and therefore we will have to hit the ground running.

We must as a group, and equally as members of UNCTAD ensure that UNCTAD XIV is a success. Success, measured not by the length of our Declaration, but by its substance and its value in shaping a progressive agenda for our Organisation as it begins the first quadrennium following the adoption of Agenda 2030.

As Chairman I will faithfully act on our decisions, our team will not waiver in our pursuit of the goals we set as G 77 & China, even as we shall work relentlessly to seek consensus for agreed outcomes wherever required. I am also aware that there is no country called G 77 and we are a group of sovereign states with each delegation necessarily guided by its own capital.

It is therefore critical that we take the time to build consensus on our positions recognizing that these must arise from the common ground that exists among us. The G 77 & China cannot speak for all members unless there is collective agreement. Equally, once we agree on a group position each member has a responsibility to stand by that position.

It is my hope that – building on the excellent foundation laid in our position paper, which was developed in an inclusive and intensive process guided by our outgoing Chair – we will advance in a solid and unified manner to secure our goals for UNCTAD XIV.

We must of course, also pay close attention to the ongoing agenda of UNCTAD and ensure that the important functions it undertakes in all pillars of its work, continue to get the support that is required to ensure success.

Colleagues, the G 77 & China has played and will continue to play a crucial role as the standard bearer for the interests of all developing countries. Its role in UNCTAD from conceptualization through its over five decades of unparalleled work on trade and development issues -has stood the test of time. Let us build on this foundation to deliver meaningful trade and development outcomes for those on whose behalf we work – the people of our countries.

I thank you.

© The Group of 77