Statement on behalf of the Group of 77 and China delivered by H.E. Mr. SUON Prasith, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Cambodia, Vice-Chair of G-77 and China in Geneva at the closure of the 86th Session of the Working Party on the Programme Plan and Programme Performance (Geneva, 6 October 2023)

Chair of the 86th Session of the Working Party,
Director of the Office of the Secretary General of UNCTAD,
Ladies and gentlemen,

1. On behalf of the Group of 77 and China, I would like to take this opportunity to commend you Chair for your leadership during the 86th Session of the Working Party on the Programme Plan and Programme Performance.

2. During the last few days of this session, we have had an opportunity to review the UNCTAD programme performance and programme plan 2025. We once more congratulate the Secretariate for the excellent work and achievements on Subprograme 2 and the continued efforts to implementation the mandate enshrined in the Bridgetown Covenant.

3. We welcome and encourage the Secretariat to continuously improve upon the new result-based management tool of evaluation of UNCTAD’s work.

4. Mr. President, we would like also to take this opportunity to once again call developing partners and members who are in a position to do so, to increase their contribution to UNCTAD funds, particularly in the form of non-earmarked in order to allow broader membership to benefit from UNCTAD technical cooperation projects.

5. The group considers important to have frequent briefings from the Secretariat on the toolbox and different projects being implemented by UNCTAD. It is critically important for relevant Divisions to keep Permanent Representatives informed and aware of the projects and their outcomes particularly those being implemented in the respective countries.

6. Lastly Mr. President, we would like to take this opportunity to thank all members for the interactive engagement we had during the session. It is their demonstrated openness and flexibility, has made it possible for our session to be successfully concluded with agreed outcomes. In the same manner, I thank Secretary General, the Secretariate and with a special recognition to the staff of the Group Liaison Section for their hard work. Similarly, we extend our appreciations to the regional groups coordinators for their coordination role they have played during the session.

I thank you Mr. President. Merci beaucoup!

© The Group of 77