Statement on behalf of the Group of 77 and China delivered by H.E. Mr. SUON Prasith, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Cambodia, Vice-Chair of G77 and China in Geneva, at the opening of the 86th Session of the Working Party on the Programme Plan and Programme Performance (Geneva, 2 September 2023)

Chair of the 86th Session of the Working Party, Secretary-General of UNCTAD, Ms. Rebeca Grynspan, Excellencies, Distinguished delegates, Ladies and gentlemen,

1. We would like to start by congratulating you Mr President, on your election to preside over this 86th Session of the Working Party on the Program Plan and Program Performance. We are confident that under your leadership we will have a productive session.

2. We would like to also express our appreciation to the Secretary-General Ms. Rebeca Grynspan for her presence in this session and the introductory remarks she has provided this morning, updating the members about the implementation of previous commitments made.

3. The Working Party provides us with an opportunity to exercise our role of oversight on the implementation of the mandates and committed work programmes. Therefore, during the session will have an opportunity to discuss thoroughly the performance review of the technical cooperation activities of UNCTAD and their financing, the evaluation of UNCTAD activities notably Subprogram 2 and the preparatory session on the programme plan for 2025.

4. Mr President, our specific interventions will be made during the discussion on the respective agenda items. However, at this juncture, we will share few general comments on those items. With regards, to the review of technical cooperation activities, we would like to express our gratitude to the development partners who have contributed funds to be used in the UNCTAD’s technical cooperation projects. In the same manner, we would like to invite partners to consider enhancing their participation in the trust funds in the form of non- earmarked resources.

5. We recognize the efforts being taken to create synergies among UNCTAD three pillars, and the positive results of a technical cooperation anchored on strong analytical tools and have noted the emphasis placed on the sustainability of the projects outcomes. Similarly, we commend the Secretariat’s efforts to also enhance synergies with other agencies as result, UNCTAD has acquired a meaningful place in the UN Reform process.

6. As for the evaluation of UNCTAD activities, we welcome the use of resource-based management framework as a recently adopted tool. While we are still learning on the effectiveness and the value addition of the tool is bringing, it is worthwhile to continue assessing its usefulness for the sake of improving it.

7. Moreover, we commend the Secretariat for undertaking the external evaluation for Subprogramme 2, Investment and Enterprise and for attaining positive outcome that resulted from it. We believe the provided recommendations from evaluators will be appropriately implemented, in particular regarding enhancing the collaboration within UNCTAD as well as with other United Nations entities.

8. The G77&China highly appreciates the Secretariat for the provision to member States of the performance report on the implementation of deliverables for the past years, in line with the agreed conclusions from the previous session and looking forward that they will continue doing so for this year and in the future sessions of the Working Party.

9. On the resources for UNCTAD for the year 2023 presented during the last Working Party regarding the geographical representation of UNCTAD staff, the G77&China calls upon the Secretariat to continue providing such information and taking actions towards improving geographical representation of UNCTAD staff.

10. The G77&China would like to encourage UNCTAD to continue delivering assistance with priority to structurally weak economies like LDCs and African countries as well as those with challenging environment such as Palestine people and the SIDS. We urged UNCTAD to ensure the necessary resources and funding is allocated for implementation of activities and programs in those countries.

11. Lastly, the Group would like to reiterate our support to the Secretary-General and the entire team of UNCTAD in their efforts to effectively execute the mandates as provided by the membership.

I thank you, Mr President.

© The Group of 77