Group Of 77 Journal

  • Editorial
  • G-77 fought against economic discrimination and inequities
  • Rationale and vision of G-77 are as relevant as ever
  • G-77 keeps alive the development agenda at the UN
  • NO development without science and technology
  • Doha Forum aims at strengthening South-South cooperation
  • New trade preferences unfair to developing nations
  • Global taxes to fight hunger and eradicate poverty
  • Perez-Guerrero Trust Fund seeks expansion of resources
  • G-77 urges appointment of Special Representative for South-South Cooperation
  • G-77 pledges participation in three key meetings in 2005
  • World Bank/IMF meetings fail to resolve debt issue 
  • Editorial
  • Founding fathers praised as G-77 gears to celebrate 40th anniversary
  • G-77 achievements threatened by spread of HIV/AIDS, warns Annan
  • Global economic development lopsided, warns Qatari Foreign Minister
  • UN head seeks concrete action to help world’s poor this year
  • Small island developing states still remain vulnerable, says G-77 Chairman
  • Poverty still one of the biggest challenges facing humanity
  • Developing nations continue to face population constraints
  • UNCTAD meeting could put troubled trade talks on track
  • Pledges at Johannesburg Summit remain unfulfilled
  • UN urged to meet debt obligations to troop contributors
  • Women still lag far behind men politically and economically