1. I have the honor to make this statement on behalf of the Group of 77 and China.

2. The G77 and China would first of all like to thank you and the other members of the Bureau for the serenity and availability with which you guided the discussions of this session which, like the previous one, was held in a context particularly marked by Covid19 and constituted a virtual forum through which Member States proposed more effective and inclusive working methods in order to improve the content and form of UN communications on global challenges, the most recent of which and alarming is the Covid19.

3. Likewise, the G77 and China express their deep gratitude to the Department of Global Communication for the quality of the work accomplished especially in this pandemic period and congratulate it for its great efforts to adapt to the virtual modalities of coverage, interpretation. and dissemination of information on United Nations activities.

4. While reassuring of its full support, the G77 and China continue to closely follow the work and activities of the Department and welcome the continued attention given to the priority objectives and issues of the United Nations and their impact on them. nations and peoples around the world in general, and the Least Developed Countries in particular.

5- As we enter the decade of action for the implementation of the SDGs and following the lessons learned from Covid 19, it is undeniable that multilateralism is no longer an alternative but the solution to global problems. The United Nations must therefore strengthen international solidarity and cooperation in order to achieve a more resilient, more inclusive and more peaceful world.

6- There is no doubt that in the face of global challenges, global solutions are needed and within the framework of the United Nations, these holistic solutions must be concerted to meet the complex and sometimes related challenges of sustainable development, particularly climate change. , peacekeeping and other vital issues that are made worse by Covid 19.

Mr. President,

7. As much as the pandemic claims victims, the proliferation of disinformation traumatizes and disables populations, especially in countries where access to connectivity is limited. This sad and disturbing reality highlights the need to integrate access to reliable information into measures to combat covid19. This is why the Group remains convinced that the expertise of the global communications department can inspire effective strategies to counter disinformation. The Group is already pleased with the department’s ongoing awareness-raising efforts, especially within the framework of the United Nations COVID-19 Communication Response initiative and in particular the verify campaign announced by the Secretary-General in April 2020.

8. We welcome the first comprehensive communication strategy and commend the efforts of the communication department in its preparation. As the Group indicated in its note, while the Strategy provides a useful framework for highlighting the important work of the United Nations in addressing the various issues that characterize the world today, it proposes to go further. away by delivering these messages in a way that would inspire action from its target audience. Greater positive involvement across the world in the various issues that the UN prioritizes can increase the impact of the Organization’s efforts, which is why it is both timely and relevant to focus on action. inspiring.

Mr. President,

9. As we reflect on improving the work of the DGC, the Group recalls that multilingualism and cultural diversity are cardinal values of multilateralism, which are enshrined in the UN Charter. Multilingual communication helps reach a wider audience, facilitates inclusive dialogue between relevant actors and promotes one universal understanding.

10. In this regard, the Group reaffirms its attachment to respect for multilingualism in the activities of the Department of Global Communication and underlines the important contribution of the United Nations information centers and their joint work with the Development Department, the Bureaux and resident coordinators to develop content for local populations and their governments. It supports the goal not only to involve these target audiences in the work of the organization, but also to provide them with platforms to engage in actions around issues that matter to them.

11. The Group reiterates its support for the work carried out by the United Nations information centers to disseminate information on the work and activities of the United Nations in local languages in order to raise awareness of the challenges facing the international community. is currently facing. The Group supports the appeal to the department to continue to support and strengthen United Nations information centers, both in terms of personnel and equipment.

12. In view of the need to reach different audiences, the Group encourages the innovative use of digital platforms that facilitate public access to initiatives and communications that have a positive impact on their lives. Thus, it encourages the Department to strengthen its digital dissemination in addition to the traditional methods of distribution and dissemination of information, through the comprehensive multilingual production which will communicate the work of the UN through online campaigns, hashtags and labels.

13. Although the importance of new communication technologies is undeniable in achieving the SDGs is undeniable, the Group is concerned about digital disparities which are emerging as a new form of inequality between states. Because connectivity is still inaccessible to more than half of the world’s population. In order to fill this digital gap, especially in terms of information and communication, the Group urges the global communication department to promote and facilitate international cooperation aimed at the development of media, means and information technologies and communication in all countries, with particular emphasis on capacity building in developing countries.

14. However, the Group expresses its concern about the use of these technologies for purposes incompatible with the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and international law, in particular the principles of sovereignty and non-interference in internal affairs, and the internationally recognized rules of civil coexistence and friendly relations between States.

15. We strongly encourage the DGC to continue promoting the relevant landmark conferences, decisions, resolutions and agreements that have been reached. In this regard, the Group places particular emphasis on developments linked, among others, to sustainable development, climate change, the fight against terrorism, peacekeeping, gender equality and free movement. some information.

16. We also urge the Department of Global Communications to intensify its support for the efforts of the United Nations system to eliminate all forms of hatred, intolerance and discrimination, including on the basis of religion or belief, harassment, racism, hate speech, xenophobia and related intolerance in particular in the response to the global crisis emanating from pandemics such as COVID-19.

17. We also wish to reaffirm the Group’s hope in ensuring equal coverage by the Department of Global Communications of all summits, international conferences and high-level meetings mandated by the General Assembly.

18. The Group, while acknowledging some progress on the issue, remains deeply concerned about the disparities existing between developed and developing countries in the use of all official languages in the United Nations global communications media, including included within peacekeeping operations. We reaffirm our commitment to the principles of the Charter of the United Nations and to the principles of freedom of the press and freedom of information, as well as those of independence, pluralism and diversity of the media, and the consequences of every kind resulting from these disparities which affect the capacity of the media and of public, private or other individuals to disseminate information and communicate effectively.

Mr. President,

19. In conclusion, the Group would like to take this opportunity to assure you of its full and constant support as well as its unwavering commitment to work constructively with you and all our partners in order to ensure a fruitful outcome to our discussions.

Thank you.

© The Group of 77