Statement on behalf of the Group of 77 and China by Mr. Muhammad Imran Khan, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Pakistan to the United Nations, at the informal consultation on the revised draft modalities resolution for the “Summit of the Future” (New York, 25 August 2022)


1. I have the honour to deliver the statement on behalf of the G77 and China.

2. At the outset allow me to express Group’s appreciation for your readiness for engagement and convening us today for the second round of consultations on the modalities resolution for the “Summit of the Future”

3. I would structure my intervention to first share some general comments and concerns and subsequently I will present the Group’s proposals on both preamble and operative section of the resolution.

General Comments:


4. First, the Group of 77 and China is of the view that appropriate time must be allowed to consult and negotiate within the Group as well as for seeking instructions from the capital.

5. Today’s informal consultations are convened in less than 48 hours of the release of revised draft, which did not provide sufficient time to consult and seek instructions from the capital.

6. It is Group’s considered opinion that the consultations on the draft resolution are being held in an obvious haste, which is unnecessary and cumbersome for the delegations of the G77 and China.

7. Second, the Group is also concerned regarding stakeholders consultations convened by the co-facilitators for the modalities resolution. This is quite unusual and do not have past precedence for any UN meeting. Negotiations on modalities resolutions have been solely under the domain of member states.

8. Third, the revised draft contains new language proposals, which were not part of the compilation text. Therefore, it is assumed that member states did not propose them. So could the co-facilitators clarify why these proposals have been included in the revised text and what are the sources of these proposals? One such example is OP18 of the revised draft.

9. Fourth, it is related to my previous comment. The Group was hoping to negotiate this resolution based on the compilation text. The release of revised draft without knowing the source of a few proposals has created ambiguity on the overall process.

10. Therefore, the Group would request for clarity on how the co-facilitators wish to proceed. The Group would also like to request co-facilitators to clarify the way forward beyond today’s consultations as well.

Preamble Section:


11. On PP1, the Group can go along with the PP as drafted.

12. On PP2, the Group believes that there is a need to strengthen international solidarity and cooperation and the capacity of the United Nations.

13. On PP3, the Group had already previously indicated clearly that the original para of UNGA resolution 76/76, in which the member states welcomed the submission of the Our Common Agenda Report as the basis of further consideration, should not be amended. Hence, we propose an Alt to bring the language in line with UNGA resolution 76/76.

14. On PP4 and PP5, the Group can go along with the Paras as drafted.

15. On PP7, rather than the linkage between the OCA and the 2030 Agenda, the Group believes that several recommendations included in the Secretary General’s report Our Common Agenda can contribute to accelerating the timely implementation and realization of the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda.

16. On PP8 and PP9, we support the Paragraphs as drafted.

Operative Section:


17. On OP1, we suggest its deletion. There is a lack of clarity on the source of the language.

18. On OP2 regarding the theme of the Summit, we propose that the theme should be ‘Summit of the Future: Accelerating the Implementation of 2030 Agenda for a better tomorrow’

19. On the timing of the Summit, there are multiple high-level events planned in 2023, including the SDG Summit, the High Level meeting on Universal Health Coverage, Global stocktake, and the High Level Dialogue on Financing for Development. Within the High Level Week itself, we have several High Level Meetings, for which we would also have preparatory meetings and negotiations.

20. At this stage, it seems that the preparatory negotiations would necessitate overlap with other events in 2023. Thus, the timing should be accordingly decided, keeping in mind these other processes as well. This would be a particular challenge for the smaller delegations from the G77 and China.

21. The group agrees on the need to keep the momentum and the dynamism that we have seen during the consultations on OCA, while taking into account the adequate participation of all delegations specifically the smaller delegations from G77 and China.

22. The Group while reserving on OP3 stresses the importance of allocating adequate time and resources to all of these events in order to ensure active engagement of all delegations, especially from developing countries to achieve meaningful and inclusive outcomes.

23. It is also important to note that the Summit must ensure inclusivity while leaving no one behind.

24. On OP5, the Group proposes a third option. We propose that the Summit plenary meetings should be preceded by an interactive multi-stakeholder dialogue from 10 AM to 1PM on the day prior to the Summit. This would allow all voices to be heard adequately.

25. On OP6, there is a lack of clarity on the criteria used for recommending and selecting a Youth Representative to speak in the opening segment. Instead, the Group proposes to only have statements by the President of the General Assembly and the Secretary General in the opening segment.

26. The Group also proposes additional details on the opening segment. We propose that the opening segment should be held from 9am and be followed by the Plenary segment until 2:45 and from 3pm to 9pm on the first day. The plenary segment would resume on the second day of the Summit from 9am to 2:45 and from 3pm to 8:30 pm. The closing segment would be on the second day from 8:30 pm to 9pm and shall feature a statement from the President of the General Assembly.

27. On OP7, we encourage representation at the level of Head of State or Government or the highest possible level.

28. On Op 8, 9, and 10 the Group can support the Paras as drafted. However, we also request for clarification on how Explanation of Positions are envisioned to be accommodated in the Summit.

29. On OP 13, the Group proposes to delete the reference to Paragraphs 11 and 12 above, due to logistical issues with regards to the limited time allocated for the Summit.

30. On OP 14 and 14bis, the Group reserves its position due to the lack of time provided to adequately reflect on these new language proposals.

31. On OP15, the Group has already expressed its position previously. The Group believes that the Secretary General has submitted his rich and comprehensive report “Our Common Agenda” and at this stage there is no need for a follow-up or additional report on the same process. We reiterate that there would not be enough time to reflect on any additional or follow-up report after its release next year when the member states would have already started negotiations on the outcome document of the Summit. Hence, we propose the deletion of OP15.

32. On OP 16, the Group stresses the need to conduct open, transparent and inclusive inter-governmental consultations on the preparatory process. The preparatory process must include inter-governmental meetings to determine and subsequently take action on the scope and tracks of the Summit and the process to conclude the Outcome Document as well as inter-governmental negotiations to conclude the Outcome Document.

33. On OP16 bis, its meaning is vague and unclear. Hence we propose its deletion.

34. On OP17, the Group reserves while highlighting the importance of achieving the SDGs and ensuring synergies between the two Summits. However, this should not pre-judge Group’s reservation on timing of convening of the Summit of the Future.

35. On OP18, the Group requests the Secretary General to support the organization of the Summit within existing resources.

36. On OP 19, the Group supports the Para as drafted.

37. On OP 20, the Group stresses the need to adhere to previously agreed language in this regard and request the deletion of the reference to the preparation of the Summit.

38. The G77 and China will submit its written inputs today. We will also share with you dear co-facilitators the text of our statement.

I thank you.

© The Group of 77