Statement on behalf of the Group of 77 and China by Mr. Muhammad Imran Khan, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Pakistan to the United Nations, at the informal consultation on the draft modalities resolution for the “Summit of the Future” (New York, 16 August 2022)

Distinguished Co-facilitators,

1. I have the honour to deliver the statement on behalf of the G77 and China.

2. The Group appreciates the circulation of the draft modalities resolution for the “Summit of the Future”. The submission of the draft resolution is in line with the inputs provided by the Group during the earlier discussions.

3. At the outset allow me to express the reservation of the Group regarding consultations on the modalities resolution being convened during the holiday season as many of the smaller delegations are struggling to engage in the process.

4. The Group believes that the discussions should be adequately spread out to accommodate the concerns of smaller delegations of the G77 and China. These should also account for the parallel processes such as Establishment of the Youth Envoy Office; Elements Paper of the Declaration on Future Generations as well as a few other processes such as BBNJ.

5. The Group would share detailed edits of on specific paras of the modalities resolution according to the deadline provided by the co-facilitators.

6. However, I would like to summarize our inputs here into two sections:

Preamble Section:

7. In PP1, the Group suggests that we should not amend the original para of the UNGA resolution 76/6 in which the member states welcomed the submission of the Our Common Agenda Report as the basis of further consideration.

8. On PP3, the Group believes that there is a need to strengthen international solidarity and cooperation and the capacity of the United Nations.

9. On PP5, we understand that there is indeed a need to work together in achieving the agreed goals and frameworks such as the 2030 agenda and the Paris agreement on climate change; however, this has to be in accordance with the respective national capabilities.

10. The Group also believe that several recommendations included in the Secretary General’s report Our Common Agenda can contribute to accelerating the timely implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals and the realization of the 2030 Agenda and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda.

11. The Group would also like to take note of the summaries of the five thematic consultations convened by the President of the General Assembled in connection with the “Our Common Agenda” Report.

12. As mentioned in the earlier consultations, the Group would reemphasize that the modalities of the Summit of the Future and the preparatory process should be finalized through intergovernmental negotiations.

Operative Segment:

13. On the timing of the Summit, there are multiple high-level events planned in 2023, including the SDG Summit, the High Level meeting on Universal Health Coverage, Global stocktake, and the High Level Dialogue on Financing for Development.

14. At this stage, it seems that the preparatory negotiations would necessitate overlap with other events in 2023. Thus, the timing should be accordingly decided, keeping in mind these other processes as well. This would be a particular challenge for the smaller delegations from the G77 and China.

15. The group agrees on the need to keep the momentum and the dynamism that we have seen during the consultations on OCA, while taking into account the adequate participation of all delegations specifically the smaller delegations from G77 and China.

16. The Group while reserving on OP1 stresses the importance of allocating adequate time and resources to all of these events in order to ensure active engagement of all delegations, especially from developing countries to achieve meaningful and inclusive outcomes

17. The Group will present its substantive inputs in the subsequent rounds of consultations.

18. It is also important to note that the Summit must ensure inclusivity while leaving no one behind.

19. On OP2 the Group reserves its position. This is also connected to the outcome of OP6.

20. The Group requests further elements to be reflected in the text (particularly OP3-OP7) on the exact time frame of segments within the Summit (opening, plenary and closing), which should include details on time limits for national and group statements, and identifying the speakers in the opening and closing segments from the UN system.

21. The Group requests additional details on the themes proposed by the co-facilitators to be discussed during the Summit and reflected in the proposed Outcome Document, while stressing that Member States should have the necessary time and opportunity to discuss and deliberate on those themes during the negotiations on the modalities resolution.

22. The Group further requests clarification on the participation of stakeholders in the Summit as outlined in OP10 and OP11 (i.e. whether a multi-stakeholder panel would be held in parallel or before the Summit).

23. With this the G77 and China reserves on OP3 till 7 and OP 10 and 11.

24. The Group also believes that the Secretary General has submitted his rich and comprehensive report “Our Common Agenda” and at this stage there is no need for a follow-up or additional report on the same process.

25. It is also important to note that there would not be enough time to reflect on any additional or follow-up report after its release next year when the member states would have already started negotiations on the outcome document of the Summit. Therefore, the Group requests the deletion of OP12.

26. On the negotiations process for the outcome document of the Summit of the Future the Group requests the appointment of the co-facilitators as soon as possible.

27. The Group also reserves on OP14 while highlighting that the importance of achieving the SDGs and ensuring synergies between the two Summits. However, this should not pre-judge Group’s reservation on timing of convening of the Summit of the Future.

28. The Group also requests the Secretariat to support the organization of the Summit within existing resources and encourages states and international donors, as well as the private sector, financial institutions, foundations and other donors to support the participation of representatives of developing countries

I thank you

© The Group of 77